I have 6 x German Blue Rams, I'm new to keeping these by the way so bare with me, I have only had them about a week and watching them it seems the females are more agressive than the males.
In sexing I'm going off the blue line that shines through the black spot on the flank of the fish, I think I have 2 x males and 4 x females though 1 of them has very faint colours and I'm still not sure what sex that is, funny enough that one is very peacefull.
Also on odd times I've seen a couple swim side by side head to tail and bodies touching in a kind of shimmer action, is this pairing or sizing each other up?
In sexing I'm going off the blue line that shines through the black spot on the flank of the fish, I think I have 2 x males and 4 x females though 1 of them has very faint colours and I'm still not sure what sex that is, funny enough that one is very peacefull.
Also on odd times I've seen a couple swim side by side head to tail and bodies touching in a kind of shimmer action, is this pairing or sizing each other up?