German Blue Ram.


Mar 23, 2013
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So in the past I've posted topics about gbr, their requirements, tank size, etc. I was always drawn away from them for the factnthat my gh, kh, and ph is all high. But then i thought, the lfs probably just uses tap right? So if they have gbrs living there would they be able to survive in my water?
With gh being as high as it goes and ph around 7.2-7.4?
They may change their water to suit the needs of the fish. It's worth asking them though.
I'd thought of that, and I'll ask them anyways, but using peat moss and/or IAL doesn't work on the tap as the kh is high, I've tried it with no success. However as you said they could use RO with added chemicals, but they're not the nicest of fish stores to be honest.
The thing about GBR is they can survive harder, higher pH water, but not for long.
They usually seem to be doing fine, but then die after a few months, so it doesn't matter that much what they're being kept in at your LFS.
That's it! That's probably why there's so many people saying their gbr die after a few months randomly. Now I realize that they obviously wouldn't die instantly, they'd live long enough to live past the return mark, and also so people wouldn't complain, they'd think they did something wrong. Thanks, I knew there was something I Was missing.
They're a very difficult fish to keep these days. I've given up keeping them now, even though they're my favourite fish :(
Have you thought about Bolivians? They're much easier and though they don't look much in most shop tanks, they colour up lovely when you get them happy. 
That's the thing, I love gbr, but I like apistos more than bolivians.
Fair enough. Plenty of apistos about and still easier than GBR!

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