Geophagus Read Head Tapajos


Fish Fanatic
Sep 16, 2011
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Hi everyone,

One on my red heads has got hole in the head and not really sure what treatment to use or what to do. I have done loads of research on it but so many websites have many causes and cures. I have also spoken with my lfs about it and got a few ideas from him but really wanted to ask the forum for someone who has perhaps had it and treated successfully.

So from what I have found out possible causes are, nutrition: I currently feed tetra prima and hikari algae wafers, along with the added extra treats during the week of peas, mussel, tubifex and every now and then cucumber. I have been told that, that diet is fine so have ruled that out.

Water quality: ammonia and nitrite have not changed from 0, nitrates were at about 40-50 and initially thought that this may be the problem. I do regular weekly 40-50% water changes, tap water is at 30 ppm, I know this from my liquid nitrate test kit and backed up by checking with my water board. I do have live plants but they weren't seeming to do much but have this week added water lettuce and that has got nitrates down to just about how its coming out the tap.

Aggression: there doesn't appear to be any aggression from other tank mates but isn't the more dominant of the red heads, when buying them ( I have 5 ) it was hard to tell male to female ratio but now there settled in my tank and had chance to grow it appears to be 2 males to 3 females. Its not continual as they all seem to chase each other but this paticular one seems to take more. So this is my other possible cause of the problem.

I have read that metronidazole is very affective which I can try and get from vets tomorrow but wanted to see if anyone else knows something might work. I have used 2 courses of hexamita to no improvement at all.

These are first generation of wild read heads so are f1's and bred very locally so are used to my local water. I have had them for 5 months with no problems. Tank is lenth 150cm height 61cm depth 51cm. Hope that covers everything.

Any help would be great. Thanks for looking.
Have you checked for stray voltage, I know this is suggested in marine species as a possible cause. That being said, I've never had freshwater fish get hole in the head, so I can't be of anymore help. Although tubifex worms are known to be high in bacteria, that may cause problems.
How bad are the holes? Geophagus do have large sensory pits on their heads which do cause panic among owners - mine always panic me as they have quite a few. Sensory pits are an extension of the lateral line and have a similar function.

If you think you can rule that out and it is hole in the head - my guess would be the nitrate in the water which can be an issue. The only real way to address this is to 1. look at nitrate filters which are used at water change time though these are quite inefficient or have some kind of nitrate removing filter pads in your filters or 2. switch to RO water or some kind of RO mix. I have not used this before so not sure which is the best way to do it but I believe there are a few other types of pre filters that could be of use.

Also the diet your doing is good :) But like above said they are a bit iffy at times so maybe swap to bloodworms?

Thank you both for the quick replies. Yeah I have heard conflicting stories about tubifex, I have been using this type of live food for about 18 months now with no problems but then again as you say this could be the cause. Recently a mag run a special on them saying how good they were and better these days and I also read that the talk that there a filthy form of live food is out dated as they are farmed in much cleaner environment is this true or as said even if conditions are clean they hold any bacteria they find?

With the nitrates would even 30 ppm still be to high for these fish in your opinion? There was 1 central hole which got alarm bells ring which was when I treated with hexamita, after the first course another hole has appeared above the right eye and it now seems another is forming behind the eye one.

Ah I did remember reading about stray voltage but had forgotten that, what could be the cause of this and how would that be checked?
Its hard to say on the tubifex :/ unless you know where its gathered from or farmed I dont really know what to suggest - lets not forget the aquatics industry is not 100% ethical at the best of times.

For some Geos nitrate of 30 - 40ppm can be an issue but its so hard in some areas to get low nitrate from the tap :/

How big are these geos?

The more dominant male is about 15 cms the other male is about 12-13 cms which is the one with hole in the head then have 3 females which are slightly smaller. It is hard with the nitrates as there already coming out the tap at 30 ppm. I am hoping that the new plants with heavy growth will over the next couple of weeks bring the nitrates down plus with the water changes as well. I had thought of perhaps putting the water for water changes into the containers i use and filtering over night using a small internal filter with nitrate remover in but this does seem time consuming and expensive not only buying the filters but also the nitrate remover, maybe something like jbl's nitrate ex. Also would that change the ph of the water much?
Anyone else have any experience with this and how to treat it? Also if anyone knows if metronidazole is an effective treatment?
I treated my oscars with daily water changes, and suplemented them with food soaked in childrens liquid vitamins. It clear on its own after that
I treated my oscars with daily water changes, and suplemented them with food soaked in childrens liquid vitamins. It clear on its own after that

Really, I didn't know it was as easy as that. Bit of a silly question I guess but how did you soak the food in the liquid? I use tetra prima which are flake foods but go very soft when they get wet or was it harder foods you soaked like algae wafer and peas, food like that. Thanks for you help.
get the pellets. I feed my oscars pellets and also feed silversides and bloodworms for snacks. it is very easy to soak the pelelts in liquid vit.
Sorry to jump in on this.. I was sold this as a redhead tapajos a couple of months ago.. but I'm not too sure? Thoughts?

Geo by Allan.Jones, on Flickr
Sorry to jump in on this.. I was sold this as a redhead tapajos a couple of months ago.. but I'm not too sure? Thoughts?

Geo by Allan.Jones, on Flickr

It does look like a red head tapajos, although I am far from great and identifying fish. How many have you got? Usually they do colour up slightly more but may be that if you have more than 1 male its the less dominant one. I will try to upload a photo of mine over next few days so you can compair.
Sorry to jump in on this.. I was sold this as a redhead tapajos a couple of months ago.. but I'm not too sure? Thoughts?

Geo by Allan.Jones, on Flickr

It does look like a red head tapajos, although I am far from great and identifying fish. How many have you got? Usually they do colour up slightly more but may be that if you have more than 1 male its the less dominant one. I will try to upload a photo of mine over next few days so you can compair.

I started off with 2 (I know they are meant to be kept in groups) however one died in a surface agitation incident :(
Sorry to jump in on this.. I was sold this as a redhead tapajos a couple of months ago.. but I'm not too sure? Thoughts?

Geo by Allan.Jones, on Flickr

My pc is messing about at the moment so the pic keeps moving about but that looks like a Geophagus Winemilleri to me.

Ive also read about HITH being caused by using carbon in your filters or the dust from the carbon, not sure how true that is or whether it applies to your situation or not.

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