Gbr Loss Of Black Colour


New Member
May 25, 2013
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One of my rams has totally lost his/her black patch and eye stripe , other colours are still bright and acting normally ,should we worry?
Maybe he/she is just the subdominant ram, they take on paler colours than the dominant ones that are brightly coloured. Does the ram have a black stripe horizontally across their body in the middle? that would mean that they are stressed.
when we first got the pair about a year ago the ram thats lost his black markings was the boss and would chase the other one all round the tank but now the roles have reversed ,  he/she has lost all its black markings
Would you be able to post a pic of the pair? Are they boys or girls?
dont know how to post pics on here ,but we think they are both male no pink belly's but not 100%
i would say its nothing to worry about and its just domanancy. 
How big is the tank, what fish are in it and do you know any of your water stats?
water stats are fine their in with three discus and a bn plec the tank is a 50 gallon

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