Gambusia Question. What Type Is This


Mostly New Member
Jun 29, 2014
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I caught them in a creek a year ago when I saw how colored up the males where. I put them and some Texas cichlids in a out door pond. Well, house is for sale , so I drained the pond ond about a month ago and set up a 30gallon tank. Gave all fish except about 20 of what are very large gambusia. Smallest is about two inches. They have dropped fry once already but the filter got them. I bought a weaker flowing filter and they are breeding again. I have never seen gambusia this size with a full sail( they look like a sail fish when they flare up), and so much color. I have finally planted and added substrate to the tank hoping they will breed successfully .....but I'm still not sure what type they are?????...... I'm guessing yucatana

Sorry for the poor quality pic. It was taken before the tank had be truly set up
I don't see a pic :c If you're having trouble uploading one you might want to try putting it on a photo sharing website such as photobucket and then linking it here.
Oh and my males are just as big if not bigger then all of my females. I CANNOT FIND ANYTHING ON THEM
I have moved this thread to the Livebearers Section, where you may get some more specialist assistance.
Not Gambusia but Poecilia latipinna aka sailfin molly, they are found in Texas, while Gambusia yucatana are found in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.
Nice fish, you are very lucky to have these fish local to you!

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