Fungal Infection Treatment?

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2013
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I noticed a pink growth on one of my Red Eye Tetras at the bottom of his top fin, the next day, the fin had split leaving a gap where the growth is if you get me...
I was unable to treat him immediately but did so as soon as was possible (around 4 days later) 
In this 4 day period 2 other Red Eyes have also had a similar growth, one has it on there lip and the other inbetween gill and eye,
I treat the whole tank on Sunday 3rd Feb with 20ml of Interpet Anti Fungus and Fin Rot
removed the carbon from external filter leaving just the sponges and ceramic rings
PROBLEM: They are still growing!! these growths don't seem any sign of going, just getting slightly bigger,
theres not much top fin left of the first infected, the lip on the second now looks like an extra head and the one on the gill is spreading in every direction
I really dont know what to do, none of my other fish seem to be infected!!
Fungal infections are white and fluffy, The way you suggest it being pink sounds like something else.
I donno much but its worth looking into other things, It kinda sounds like fin rot but at the sametime it does not.
So I'll let someone else handle this.
thats what i thought but cant seem to find anything like it, i mean, it is a very pale pink and kind of fluffy, one now has some thing white beginning to stick out of it, the other with it on his gill has nearly covered that side of his face not much change in the other
Hello! I'm not a very knowledgeable fishkeeper (just a newbie!) but I did a little research for you!
Again, I don't really know much so you shouldn't quite trust me. However, my own fish is sick so I know how it is to want to help them but not knowing how!
Anyway, I did some research and I didn't find a specific name for it but it sounds generally like a bacterial infection. I read that a medicine called Coppersafe, (which is safe for tetras) can kill all invertebrates (funguses, ich, etc.) so that might help. 
Aquarium salt can help treat fish diseases in general and promotes recovery, and melafix can treat open red sores, tail rot, wounds, and helps regrow fins. That's all I really know. Hopefully there's someone else more experienced to help you.
Maybe you can post some pictures? That way maybe people can identify what it is. I hope your fish gets better! In some cases growths can just come and go. Good luck!
Not positive what is growing on on your tetras, but a common treatment for most diseases and fungi that I've used is hydrogen peroxide. After 24 hours the chemicals evaporate out and turn into common water. It's generally harmless to fish is small doses. To treat my 55g tank I used 1 tablespoon every 24 hours for 3 days into the filter. I couldn't find much online about correct dosing, but when something is only on a few fish, for me at least, I take the fish out, hold it upside down and dab the infected areas with a cotton swab of peroxide and return them back to the water. Has worked for ich, fin rot and fungus for me. Good luck!
Just an update, the first infected tetra has now lost all his top fin, growth has taken it over, and the whole fish has now doubled in size, looks like a puffer fish now, still only the three that are infected though no other fish

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