Fungal Fin Rot Angel Fish


Fish Crazy
Jul 28, 2013
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Hi everyone,
My angel fish had fungal fin rot it has been treated but his nearside pectoral fin is damaged, will it grow back ?
What are you treating it with? Sometimes the damage can be too much for the body to regenerate but I know Primafix and Melafix are fantastic at treating these things.
first I used tetra fungistop, it cleared it up but came back even worse so then I used waterlife protozin and that cleared it up, its been 2 weeks and there is no sign of infection and he is eating fine and happily interacting with other fish, I am just hoping his fin will grow back.
what size is your tank?
IMO i find that the tetra products are horrible, they water down :mad:
what other fish do you have, if you have no no-scale fish or cories you can't do this, but if you only have fish that are alright with salt in the water then you can add salt to the aquarium, it'll help kill crap in the water that you don't want, and also help the angel fish out. even if your fish has no infections, having a little bit of salt in the aquarium keeps them healthy. i have salt in my aquarium that only has fish that are alright with it, and I've never had a breakout of any kind.
the fish will grow back the pectoral fin, but it'll take time.
I have some api aquarium salt but I get mixed messages about using it so I am a little confused, I have a 40 litre tank the fish I own are 2 mollys, 1 angel fish, 1 betta fish, 1 peppered cory catfish, 5 mini venus guppies, I have just orderd a 250 litre corner tank so I will be transferring them as soon as the tank is cycled.
ps the fungistop was horrible I agree!
Melafix helps fin repair. Used it with my Angels but you cannot use it with Anabantoids such as Bettas so that's out of the question :(
I find the best thing is daily water changes tbh. I had an angel with a pretty damaged fin due to what I think was ammonia burn from being shipped in a bag overnight. Tried a few meds but it started to clear and grow back immediately after I started doing daily wc's tbh. Clean water was the best med.
I have been doing 50% water changes every 48 hours at the moment my water is crystal clear  ammonia 0ppm, nitrate 0ppm, nitrite 0.25, and ph 7.2 now that my tank is cycled I am planning on cutting back to twice a week, my angel fish is looking fine now so thanks for the reassurance people !!!!
Are you getting the nitrAte and nitrIte mixed up by chance? Ammonia and nitrites should always be at zero =o
mmmmmmmmm I will get back to you when I test the water again, you have me thinking now

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