

Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2012
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my two GBR are showing a potential to mate. i read they need a lot of live plants so they can survive. so what kind of plants should i have? right now i have some kind of anubias and 2 amazon swords. it is a gravel subtrate, and i need some plants that are easy to care for, don't cost alot, and don't need a dosing of ferts or co2. can anyone give me some ideas?
Cryptocorynes are very easy, and come in a nice variety of leaf shape and size. Java fern is great too, although it does need attaching to something, like anubias.

Vallis usually does well and dwarf saggitaria would give you a 'grassy' effect. Indian fern/Water wisteria/water sprite (it's all the same plant!) is another cheap and cheerful plant that does well in most tanks.
alright i think ill do water sprite. do they need to be planted? and ill do some java fern afetr the water sprite
Water sprite will grow planted, or floating :good:
alirtgh thanks. will they do fine at 80 degrees Farenhiet
Yes, that would be fine for them, though if they're the only fish in there, you could bump that up to 82/83°F and they'd be much happier.

Don't forget to keep the nitrate as low as possible; certainly under 20ppm, or they'll never be at their best :good:

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