Fry Savers


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2013
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I'm just wondering what are some good, low demand (low light/no C02 needed) fry savers to put in my breeder tank. Mainly for livebearers and corys. I currently have some wisteria, anacharis, jungle val and a golfball size portion of java moss.
I only have a few stems of each stemmed plant so if those are good and I just need more, I'd appreciate knowing. I'm up for any plant you guys have used or have heard are good for the cover of fry. 
My fry seem to hide very well in my moss.  It's not java moss, I actually have no idea what it is.  When I bought some cherry shrimp at the LFS the guy said he was throwing some in for free because the shrimp like it (which they do), but the fry seem to hide well in it too.  The anacharis is really good, too, and so is hornwort.
I have either Hornwort or java(?) moss in my fry and birthing tanks. Both provide good cover. I prefer Hornwort as it spreads all over the tank (starts at the surface and then fills everywhere else)
It grows much quicker than moss so can be trimmed and split into other tanks. It's a good nitrate remover as well
hornwort seems to be a good choice, i would prefer to leave it floating if that's ok.
I love asian watergrass. It is very easy to grow and the roots grow long and fluffy. 

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