New Member
Awful alliteration addiction?
Sorry, anyway I have guppies in my 52 litre tank and they are having babies
I counted atleast 12 but as time went by I counted 10 then 5 and now only 3, this has happened with a previous batch too.
I don't have anything bigger than a guppy apart from my ancistrus and I have live plants, bogwood and plenty of hiding places,
the other fish don't really bother them at all
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks, Chris
Awful alliteration addiction?
Sorry, anyway I have guppies in my 52 litre tank and they are having babies
I counted atleast 12 but as time went by I counted 10 then 5 and now only 3, this has happened with a previous batch too.
I don't have anything bigger than a guppy apart from my ancistrus and I have live plants, bogwood and plenty of hiding places,
the other fish don't really bother them at all
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks, Chris