

Fish Addict
Mar 12, 2014
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So my molly had 17 fry 3 weeks ago today, I only have 4 left and they look so unhealthy, their growth rate is so slow, they still look like new borns... I'm pretty sure one is Ill.... I know this is my own fault as I live in a soft water area and their parents are probably inbred, but I love Molly's And when I saw female juveniles listed at the LFS i got 4 only for one to show himself as a male a month later, which means they have been double inbred.... if they breed again I'm leaving it up to fate instead of netting them...
I also have zebra danios who are a week old who are doing great, they have doubled in size and are getting their stripes, so cute.
I'm just pissed off about my poor molly fry, I can't really do much for them either as I'm going to Peru for a month soon and leaving their care up to my mum who knows nothing of fish.
I don't know what to do apart from vent!


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Vent away, sometimes that helps, too.  Sorry for all this happening.
Trip to Peru sounds VERY exciting!
I know I can't wait, but I'm probably going to be worried throughout not knowing whats going on in my tank!

Actually, I'm going in 3 weeks, if they aren't big enough to be released into the big tank, and are still alive are there any fish lovers in Manchester who would like these? They are silver sailfins, three are white one is a dirty grey ATM?
nic1 said:
So my molly had 17 fry 3 weeks ago today, I only have 4 left and they look so unhealthy, their growth rate is so slow, they still look like new borns... I'm pretty sure one is Ill.... I know this is my own fault as I live in a soft water area and their parents are probably inbred, but I love Molly's And when I saw female juveniles listed at the LFS i got 4 only for one to show himself as a male a month later, which means they have been double inbred.... if they breed again I'm leaving it up to fate instead of netting them...
I also have zebra danios who are a week old who are doing great, they have doubled in size and are getting their stripes, so cute.
I'm just pissed off about my poor molly fry, I can't really do much for them either as I'm going to Peru for a month soon and leaving their care up to my mum who knows nothing of fish.
I don't know what to do apart from vent!
Some males are slower in developing a gonopodium, but they were male the whole time, we just couldn't tell.
I understand your frustration.  If you are keeping them in the breeder box, I'd suggest being sure to do water changes inside the breeder box on a semi-daily basis, at least every 12 hours, especially as they grow larger.   Just pouring water into the top of the breeder box from the main tank is sufficient.  There's really just not enough flow through the breeder box to clear the ammonia.  It looks like you've got some plants in there, which is very helpful, but still not enough on its own, you need to also remove the hormones released by the fry.  These hormones can slow their growth, so regular water changes are huge.
I'd be inclined to release them in the big tank and let them take their chances to be honest, they will grow quicker when out of the breeding box too just get a load more plants floating on the surface and in the tank for them to hide if you haven't already and they may be ok.
Hey, yeah that's what I've been doing, every time I walk past the tank I pour in some tank water over the top.... they are in a massive planter about 30x30 cm, I just put them in there while I cleaned it.

I did have that thought about releasing them but I couldn't bring myself to do it.... I will probably have to when I leave as my mum won't be bothered to syphon the bottom of the planter daily or poor water into it!
I didn't know about the hormone stuff...I'm going to read up on that now, thanks
Its rubbish about inbreeding fish, and you’re saying that your fish is double inbreed  sorry to say you and many people on this form don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to inbreeding fish you have very little experience on the subject, you need to do more research on the problems that you have with your fish, I’m sure there will  be someone that will try and prove me wrong  lol
You know what, there is no need to be rude about it, and you do not know what experience I have with fish keeping, do you know me? I don't think so!
I used to live in London which is classified as a hard water area and had many sucesses with breeding mollies and from my experience if a molly is inbred for far too long many of the fry become sickly, deformed and slow to grow even in ideal water conditions specific to Molly's.
Now living in a soft water area with god knows how long interbred Molly's, which have produced a batch of 95% sick fry.
I know what goes on in my tank thanks.

Oh, and a little advice, try and be a little bit more polite when you voice your opinions, it doesn't cost anything and people may respect your judgements.
The are many reasons why  we get sick fish. is that the first batch of fry that you have had from a single female ?
It would be a good idea to collect some fry from the next batch to see how they turn out . I don’t  believe it’s all down to inbreeding of the fish itself.
Many of these fish are farm bread by the thousands and with the use of antibiotics and many other treatments. All of these chemicals and sometimes cramped and poor conditions in which these fish are kept  is adding to the problems.  
Man, now I feel like a jerk for some reason? Sorry for flying off the handle.... I guess I'm just peeved. You think youve got this whole fishkeeping thing down then bang! My daughter said to me the other day 'they're just FISH!' Lol.

This was her first batch, I'm down to two now, I know that the first batch can be weak. She had more fry today and they are the same size as the 3 week old. Most of them were picked off by the giant danios again, but its a huge tank so I thought some of them could hide in the copious amount of plants, but 4 remain! So I've got them in the planter, I'm going to divide the tank and give them proper space.

Thanks for getting back to me and not scouring me
  1. I have around 60 different populations of livebearers  and have inbreed all of them and have done so four many years.  . I have some populations that have been inbreed as long as 30 -40 years  , I have some populations and have kept continuously 10 to 15 years without adding new stock and all still going strong. Only one species in particular is proven to be a pain  I am determined to correct the problem.
You must have plenty of space in your house! I'm not allowed anymore tanks... I would love to keep spieces only setups, but my other half will only allow me one aquarium, so I went out and bought the biggest tank I could afford and went with the normal general community fish.
I've only been breeding for 8 years or so on and off, hats off to you and your hoard of wrigglers, that sounds like a full time job :eek:
What's the spieces you're having trouble with?
it's a Goodea atripinnis  
An easy fish to keep and breed . This population have very large fry of about an inch long coursing a few problems
I have a purpose built  shed for the fish and spend as much time as15 hours + a week

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