Freshwater toadfish questions


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2004
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My LFS has a freswater toadfish and I am getting it. They told me it would get to 4-5inches. It will be in a 55 Gallon with a Common Plec, BGK, Spiny Eel, L075 Plec, 3 Silver Sharks, 3 Pictus, 4 Clown Loach. I was told they would be fine but need more info on them.
Do you have a scientific name for this fish? As far as im aware there is only one true freshwater member of the toad fish family and that is Thalassophhryne amazonica which is normally sold under the name of Monster fish. There is very little in the way of information on these fish on the web but this link supplies a little info and a pic of a monster fish

If this is not the fish you are buying then i would make sure that it is deffinatly a true FW fish first, most toad fish are marine fish that only enter FW for brief periods to spawn and soon perish if kept in FW for the long term.
It looks like the first fish a bit. Same shape but seems to have a bit more of a orange then black then orange then black pattern dow its body. If it is the first one it is only three inches at the moment. I have not brought it home yet. It is waiting at the shop because I needed frozen food and they just had a order. I decided to browse and the beauty was there in a tank. I asked how big it would grow and if it would be okay with my fish and was told it would grow to 4 inches. 6 inches tops and the fish would be fine. It was too good to resist so I reserved him because they need to knowhow much the fish would cost. I can pick up when I want to so I may pop down and take a picture and post that somewhere and say that the tank is not ready yet. Then if it is alright he will stay and if he is a bugger I will say I have made a different decision. Just wait and see what happens.

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