Freshwater Stone Fish (Notesthes Robusta)

Better is Betta

Feb 9, 2011
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My family and I went for a swim in a nice little place called Behanna creek.  My eldest son saw some black leaf matter floating underwater with the current and noticed it moved.
He waved me over and said look I think I see a strange fish.  When I looked I said he needed glasses because it only looked like a bit of a dead leaf matter to me.
But he was right, it was a fish a strange little fish.  He scooped it up in a net which I carried with me on that day.......I was chasing native shrimps which I ended up not finding.
He is now in my tank and its been a week and he is still alive. I don't know about you but I think he is adorable.



Although he is cute he is also very poisonous.  He is not as toxic as the saltwater stone fish which has been known to kill people with its venom (welcome to Australia) but this little stone fish can inflict excruciating pain if stepped on and many  years ago my husband did just that.
He never stopped moaning and groaning for the whole day.  
The other name that they are called is bullrout.  They inhabit freshwater creeks and rivers and is also found in brackish water.
I never swim in streams without wearing some kind of footwear. 
He is cute, just when he gets bigger I think he may end up looking as ugly as a true stone fish. Also he will be a sneaky eater, guppy in the tank one day, gone the next.
Feeding wise you should be able to get him to eat bits of prawn and squid off a wooden squewer, just wriggle it about in front of his nose. I have read of people getting them to eat peas and things as well as prepared foods but they need to be taught over a period of time.
Enjoy your little poisionous friend
My poisonous friend had me worried at first because I thought he would only eat live food.....which I don't have.  So I've been dropping in frozen tropical mix and bloodworms.  I have never seen him eat it but he's still there so he must be eating something. 
When he gets to big and ugly I think I will put him no swimming in the creek 
I WANT A BULL ROUT SOOOOOOOOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!! You don't know how lucky you northerner's are!
A bullrout would probably be just what I need with all my tanks, but I sort of have my heart set on a pair of fresh water pipe fish
TooManyChoices said:
I WANT A BULL ROUT SOOOOOOOOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!! You don't know how lucky you northerner's are!
If you live in Australia they can be found as far as New South Wales.  
I'm about an hour south east of Melbourne! And you are obviously in the north you lucky devils!
TooManyChoices said:
I'm about an hour south east of Melbourne! And you are obviously in the north you lucky devils!
Well you know where to come when you plan a holiday
 Make sure you pack a net and bucket in your suit case
I am a lot more north than Melbourne but not as north as Better is Betta
 , and  yes everyone should plan a trip to the far north of Australia and take along nets and  buckets. The potential shrimp and fish up that way are mind boggling.

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