Hello! I thought I'd post this here, although my main post is in the beginner's forum. This is my first proper foray into live plants and I've been reading, thought I was ready but trying not to panic now they are in!
25L tank
8W aquaone fluoro
aquaone 100 filter
55w heater set to 26 degrees C
use rainwater, it's relatively soft and pH is 7.4
Small gravel substrate with a little sand
Crested java fern
red rotala
us fissidens
The anubia and java fern are mounted on driftwood and the fissidens is on a moss mat. Everything else is fixed into the gravel. The rotala and the blyxa get most of the light, and the crypt is well shaded.
I'm wondering what I can do to help make sure they stay healthy!
I've put a dose of trace minerals into the water, a little bit of plant fert. I have flourish excel coming in a couple of days along with my new betta and shrimp.
Any suggestions would be great!
25L tank
8W aquaone fluoro
aquaone 100 filter
55w heater set to 26 degrees C
use rainwater, it's relatively soft and pH is 7.4
Small gravel substrate with a little sand
Crested java fern
red rotala
us fissidens
The anubia and java fern are mounted on driftwood and the fissidens is on a moss mat. Everything else is fixed into the gravel. The rotala and the blyxa get most of the light, and the crypt is well shaded.
I'm wondering what I can do to help make sure they stay healthy!
I've put a dose of trace minerals into the water, a little bit of plant fert. I have flourish excel coming in a couple of days along with my new betta and shrimp.
Any suggestions would be great!