Fish Crazy
Hello! More questions from me the apparently clueless one
My Mom found somebody who is giving away a bunch of fish. I want to save these fish from going to a possibly bad home. The fish are: 8 Platys (unknown colors), 3 Male Guppies, and 1 Pleco. Now my questions.
Can they live in the tanks that I have setup right now (6.6 Gallons, and 3.5 Gallons. Have a 2.5 Gallon that I could setup, but no filter)?
I know Plecos get big, but how small would it need to be to temporarily live in my 6.6 gallon tank, and could I put the platys in with it? 23" long, 9" tall (filled to 8"), 6 1/2" wide. I feel like a Pleco is a really bad idea in this tank, even a small one, but I could get him put into the 55 Gallon tank at my friend's house that way he's already in the tank, and I can just get him back from my friend then?
I am getting my 55 Gallon tank soon, and having the Pleco would speed up the process of getting into my house. I also would opt out of Corys, and a few Kuhli Loaches in the big tank if I get him. I don't have to get him if it's a really bad idea with my current setup (then again the person who's getting rid of them has all of these fish together in a 10 Gallon, so I think the Pleco might be too big, as she said they had outgrown it).
I can get free Java Fern (lots of it I was told!), so I'll be putting Java fern in my two current tanks. I think I read somewhere Plecos need wood? Or am I making that up?
I know after my current Betta tragedies that I probably sound unfit to be fish-keeping to some people (myself at very least), but last night I told somebody that my fish was killed by parasites, and she said (exact words) "Fish can't get parasites, duh... Fish killer!", I referred her to the forum, told her to read five posts, and guaranteed that she'd learn something about fish. Her "fish killer" comment nearly made me cry, and I really want to protect these fish from people like her who obviously don't know enough about fish.
If you think I'm rushing into getting more fish PLEASE TELL ME! If you think I can rescue some of them, and not all of them, I'll do it. Thanks for taking the time to read this, even if it turns out to be a waste of time.
Any advice on how to cure my current need for fish would help, if it's possible...
My Mom found somebody who is giving away a bunch of fish. I want to save these fish from going to a possibly bad home. The fish are: 8 Platys (unknown colors), 3 Male Guppies, and 1 Pleco. Now my questions.
Can they live in the tanks that I have setup right now (6.6 Gallons, and 3.5 Gallons. Have a 2.5 Gallon that I could setup, but no filter)?
I know Plecos get big, but how small would it need to be to temporarily live in my 6.6 gallon tank, and could I put the platys in with it? 23" long, 9" tall (filled to 8"), 6 1/2" wide. I feel like a Pleco is a really bad idea in this tank, even a small one, but I could get him put into the 55 Gallon tank at my friend's house that way he's already in the tank, and I can just get him back from my friend then?
I am getting my 55 Gallon tank soon, and having the Pleco would speed up the process of getting into my house. I also would opt out of Corys, and a few Kuhli Loaches in the big tank if I get him. I don't have to get him if it's a really bad idea with my current setup (then again the person who's getting rid of them has all of these fish together in a 10 Gallon, so I think the Pleco might be too big, as she said they had outgrown it).
I can get free Java Fern (lots of it I was told!), so I'll be putting Java fern in my two current tanks. I think I read somewhere Plecos need wood? Or am I making that up?
I know after my current Betta tragedies that I probably sound unfit to be fish-keeping to some people (myself at very least), but last night I told somebody that my fish was killed by parasites, and she said (exact words) "Fish can't get parasites, duh... Fish killer!", I referred her to the forum, told her to read five posts, and guaranteed that she'd learn something about fish. Her "fish killer" comment nearly made me cry, and I really want to protect these fish from people like her who obviously don't know enough about fish.
If you think I'm rushing into getting more fish PLEASE TELL ME! If you think I can rescue some of them, and not all of them, I'll do it. Thanks for taking the time to read this, even if it turns out to be a waste of time.
Any advice on how to cure my current need for fish would help, if it's possible...