Free Fish!


Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
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Hello! More questions from me the apparently clueless one :rolleyes:

My Mom found somebody who is giving away a bunch of fish. I want to save these fish from going to a possibly bad home. The fish are: 8 Platys (unknown colors), 3 Male Guppies, and 1 Pleco. Now my questions.

Can they live in the tanks that I have setup right now (6.6 Gallons, and 3.5 Gallons. Have a 2.5 Gallon that I could setup, but no filter)?

I know Plecos get big, but how small would it need to be to temporarily live in my 6.6 gallon tank, and could I put the platys in with it? 23" long, 9" tall (filled to 8"), 6 1/2" wide. I feel like a Pleco is a really bad idea in this tank, even a small one, but I could get him put into the 55 Gallon tank at my friend's house that way he's already in the tank, and I can just get him back from my friend then?

I am getting my 55 Gallon tank soon, and having the Pleco would speed up the process of getting into my house. I also would opt out of Corys, and a few Kuhli Loaches in the big tank if I get him. I don't have to get him if it's a really bad idea with my current setup (then again the person who's getting rid of them has all of these fish together in a 10 Gallon, so I think the Pleco might be too big, as she said they had outgrown it).

I can get free Java Fern (lots of it I was told!), so I'll be putting Java fern in my two current tanks. I think I read somewhere Plecos need wood? Or am I making that up?

I know after my current Betta tragedies that I probably sound unfit to be fish-keeping to some people (myself at very least), but last night I told somebody that my fish was killed by parasites, and she said (exact words) "Fish can't get parasites, duh... Fish killer!", I referred her to the forum, told her to read five posts, and guaranteed that she'd learn something about fish. Her "fish killer" comment nearly made me cry, and I really want to protect these fish from people like her who obviously don't know enough about fish.

If you think I'm rushing into getting more fish PLEASE TELL ME! If you think I can rescue some of them, and not all of them, I'll do it. Thanks for taking the time to read this, even if it turns out to be a waste of time.

Any advice on how to cure my current need for fish would help, if it's possible... :shifty:

The current owner of the fish can wait a few weeks, so I can get the 55 Gallon tank before getting these fish! :good:

The pleco is currently 4", the largest platys are 2", the smaller ones (babies!) are 3/4 of an inch. Mixed males, and females for platys, most likely Sunset, or Marigold, she said they are Orange, and Yellow. Guppies are red/orange(my favorite fish color other than black!).

Now I'm really excited. So the questions that I still need answered:
Do Plecos need wood, and what wood is best?
How can I cure my seemingly incurable need for fish?!

And new ones:
Do Plecos need special food? I heard algae pellets?
I read guppies, and platys are herbivores, so do I need new food, or our my Tropical fish flakes that I fed my Bettas okay?
Can Plecos live with Kuhlis? If there are enough hiding places for the Kuhlis they should co-exist, and Plecos aren't aggresive, are they? :blink:

Thanks again! :)

The current owner of the fish can wait a few weeks, so I can get the 55 Gallon tank before getting these fish! :good:

The pleco is currently 4", the largest platys are 2", the smaller ones (babies!) are 3/4 of an inch. Mixed males, and females for platys, most likely Sunset, or Marigold, she said they are Orange, and Yellow. Guppies are red/orange(my favorite fish color other than black!).

Now I'm really excited. So the questions that I still need answered:
Do Plecos need wood, and what wood is best?
Yes, driftwood
How can I cure my seemingly incurable need for fish?!
You can't

And new ones:
Do Plecos need special food? I heard algae pellets?
Depends on the pleco species. We'll need to Id it here so we know it's not a common.
I read guppies, and platys are herbivores, so do I need new food, or our my Tropical fish flakes that I fed my Bettas okay?
Flakes are fine they aren't herbivores, but I wouldn't feed a betta tropical flakes.....
Can Plecos live with Kuhlis? If there are enough hiding places for the Kuhlis they should co-exist, and Plecos aren't aggresive, are they? :blink:
Again depends on the pleco species. They should though. Remember kuhlis need groups of 6+
Thanks again! :)

I wrote my replys in between the lines :good:
No, imo plecos don't need special food. Mine eats dried bloodworms, frozen bloodworms, and flakes. Really the eat everything. My platy eats flakes and bloodworms, they eat various foods, too. My pleco and kuhli ignore each other. Pleco's are very non-agressive fish. If you want to learn more about eating habits then you should look on
No, imo plecos don't need special food. Mine eats dried bloodworms, frozen bloodworms, and flakes. Really the eat everything. My platy eats flakes and bloodworms, they eat various foods, too. My pleco and kuhli ignore each other. Pleco's are very non-agressive fish. If you want to learn more about eating habits then you should look on

That depends on the species for if they need special food or are aggressive and that website is not a good source to look at. Planet catfish is a much much much better one.
Our 2 plecos are a little bit aggresive and we feed the tank flakes citlid food brine shrimp bloodworms and alge wafers
Not all plecos need wood, it depends on what you get. Algae wafers every other day will be penty for them and makes sure they keep eating the algae in your tank :p

You can feed flakes to the guppies etc. and the flakes are fine for your betta as well :rolleyes:

Most plecos are peaceful with other fish, so it should be fine.
Thank you for all the fast replies!

I don't know what species of Pleco, but I can ask, for a description at least. The flakes I have aren't specifically for Bettas, they're "Tetra Color Plus tropical flakes". I'll be getting the tank early July, and (if the current owner will be okay with it) the Platys the second week, the Guppies the third (I'll be getting a few more males), and the Pleco the last week in July. My old stocking list for this tank:
1 Golden Gourami
6 Guppies
6 Platys
6+ Panda Cories
6+ Kuhli Loaches

1 Golden Gourami (except my friend doesn't even know if he's alive anymore...)
6 Guppies (I have a friend with extras)
8 Platys
1 Pleco
6+ Kuhli Loaches

If Zip the Gourami is dead I think I'd like to get a dwarf Gourami, or something bigger than the other fish as a "center piece" fish. I'm going to have to read a little more about Gouramis I think.

Thanks again for all your help! :)
Those fish are in your 6.6 gallon? That's really overstocked if they are and the only fish that even fit in a tank that small are the guppies, and snails..... :blink:
Those fish are in your 6.6 gallon? That's really overstocked if they are and the only fish that even fit in a tank that small are the guppies, and snails..... :blink:

I believe that's her future stocking plan for the new 55 gallon :)
Haha oops! Sorry I wasn't clear, but yes it's my plan for the 55 Gallon tank. I'm going to get another Betta for the 6.6 Gallon at some point.
I think it may be a Common Pleco because in the ad the owner used the full name "Plecostomus", which pet stores typically have common Plecos listed as. At least they do in my area. Getting more information.
In that case don't get the plec because it'll get over 2 feet long in a proper tank, and it won't fit into a 55 gallon. I believe the minimum for them is like 100 or something around there :/
Oh, okay! I'll definitely check to be sure, that's just what I'm assuming, because she used the full name.
So change of plans, I had to get them today... The 6.6 Gallon may be a little overstocked right right with 8 Platys, and a Pleco, but I'll be moving the platys really soon, daily water changes until then!

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