Found A Baby! What Do I Do?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 11, 2013
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Hello everyone! I recently redid my 10 gallon tank. It was completely washed out and redecorated. All I have in the tank is a dwarf gourami.
So I moved over some java moss attached to driftwood from my larger tank, and viola! A baby appeared. He now hangs out constantly swimming in open water near the top. My dwarf gourami has not gone after him, but I worry, so I plan to buy a breeder box to separate the baby. 
My biggest concern then, is feeding it. How do I feed such a tiny creature?! I don't have access to any live foods like microworms or daphnia, and not too sure where to get infusoria. I've tried to hatch brine shrimp unsuccessfully. I really want to raise this guy! I'm super curious what fish he is since I didn't notice any of my fish from the large tank breeding. The only other possibility is that he came out of the live plant I recently bought, and regardless, I'm curious to see what he is. So please help, thanks!
Try crushing your flake food so that it is a very fine powder and feed that. You will want to keep the fry and gourami separate as most fish will make a snack out of baby fish. If you have a spare tank lying around, you could put him in that and use a sponge filter (for a single fry it doesn't need to be cycled as long as you monitor ammonia closely). It will grow faster in a larger container than a breeding box. Can you post a picture? We may be able to identify it for you.
a little hard boiled egg yolk crumbed into a paste, then waft it about in the water. A bit messy but most fry like it.
Super fine crushed flake food is usually fine, my sister uses a herb grinder to grind up micro pellets and other pellets into a fine powder which will also work well. If you can get to a pet shop they usually have fry starter foods which is often a powder but you can also get liquid form. Be careful using fry starter foods as they can foul the water pretty quickly if over fed.
While egg yolk is good at a pinch it too can foul the water incredibly quickly.
If the fry doesn't seem interested in hiding in any of your plants another option as a safe haven for it is a clean (as in new) floor mop, the type that is made up of lots of strands of cotton. This will tend to float and allow the fry to hide in or under it.
The only type of breeding box or fry saver I would consider using would be the type that has a fine net spread over the frame, but these I have found work best when suspended using a bulldog clip or similar clamp and placed near the filter return so that the filtered water is able to flow through the net. I would add some java fern or similar to the net too, because that will hold micro- fauna that a fry will feed on.

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