For Fishblast - Swordie Pics :-)


Fish Fanatic
Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
As promised here are a few pics of Knife & Forks new company :)

Hiding from the randy Knife lol

Love this ones markings!

There's 2 like this one

Last but not least the deep orange one like Knife & Fork

All clicky pics :)

As promised here are a few pics of Knife & Forks new company :)

Hiding from the randy Knife lol

Love this ones markings!

There's 2 like this one

Last but not least the deep orange one like Knife & Fork

All clicky pics :)

I like the red+white one. Unique coloring and has some fry in her too.

I don't know about the last one though, can't see her black spot. Does she have one? If not and she is this size, might be same story as with fork...
Am so annoyed - Just found the stunning silvery orange one dead :sad: All the others seem absolutely fine though. Will be monitoring them closely though.

I will also keep a close eye on the orange one, the underside fins look very female at the mo in comparison with Fork but will keep an eye on them all.

Am so annoyed - Just found the stunning silvery orange one dead :sad: All the others seem absolutely fine though. Will be monitoring them closely though.

I will also keep a close eye on the orange one, the underside fins look very female at the mo in comparison with Fork but will keep an eye on them all.

-.- I liked that one the most if you mean the one at the top... But she did seem to have her dorsal lowered, which might mean she was stressed during the trip.

It's not the fins you should be looking at, as those can change later and look quite like a female's.
It's the belly (note how the silver ones have a round belly in a C-shape (to the side, not underneath).
If you look carefully at the orange one (I think that one qualifies as a red though, not orange) you might be able to see its belly shape properly. Also seems to have a trace of Mickey Mouse mark on the tail. Though it's incomplete.

This is an orange swordie, had a lot of these and had fry from few of them, also saw one grow a tail and gonopodium after giving birth 3 times. They call them marigold.

I wish Pinky would be one of those, but she has high chances of becoming a blood-red like your last one.
Thanks for the info, I can't see a distinct silvery stomach, shall have to monitor it and see how it goes :) If she is another he then I will have to part with 1 of the males as 3 : 2 females is unfair on the ladies.

Thanks for the info, I can't see a distinct silvery stomach, shall have to monitor it and see how it goes :) If she is another he then I will have to part with 1 of the males as 3 : 2 females is unfair on the ladies.

Yeah, it's harder to see in blood-reds. They're usually almost opaque colored. This is why orange ones are easier, in addition to their milder temperament. Blood-reds are also the most aggressive I've ever had. Black ones are very shy. My male, Cracker, is usually the punching bag of both females. LOL.
Have had a closer look tonight & it looks more silvery ineternally than Fork does so it's a time will tell scenario lol!

Would love to see some pics of your swordies - Cracker sounds a stunner!

Have had a closer look tonight & it looks more silvery ineternally than Fork does so it's a time will tell scenario lol!

Would love to see some pics of your swordies - Cracker sounds a stunner!

Here are some pics.
Cracker and his wife Bee. Bee annoyed him before I took this pic by raising her dorsal fin at him. You can tell he's ticked off by the S-shaped position of Cracker's body and the raised fin. When he does this, he usually attacks.

Cracker's blue shine:

Cracker's green shine:

Sometimes he's yellow too, but depends on the angle the light reflects off his scales.
Here's Cracker, appearing totally black, along with Bee and Eris the lyretail swordie.
They're stunning!! Cracker has gorgeous markings & Eris is so pretty!

Thanks for the pics :)

What I regret is that they just don't have fish that look like Cracker at that shop anymore.
They had a few big swordies like Bee, but no more tiny ones.
Eris was all I could find out of the pale-pink swordies that had some rather weird tails. Only one time I saw this pink swordie female with a heart-shaped, wavy tail fin, but didn't buy it. Now I regret it but I was after Java Fern that time.
Next time, if they have white or koi lyretails or another pink fish with a heart tail, I'll buy it. X))

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