food for corys and plecos


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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in my 10G i plan to put in a pleco or a cory cat fish in wtih my betta (will they be good tankmates)? i only have betta bites on me right now and i'm just wondering waht do plecos and cory cats eat anyways? if they feed off the bottom, doe sthat mean that if the bottom is really clean, they'll die from a lack of food? -_-
You can get algae wafers for the pleco. The cories will eat it too. My cories eat fallen flakes and snack on the occasional algae wafer when I drop one for the pleco.
Sorry but a pleco in a 10 gallon does not mix(most common plecos can reach 20 inches). I'd rather go for the 3 cories or even some Ottos would be better. I feed my cories Brine shrimp pellets along with algae sinking discs(both Wardley brands, but im sure it won't matter what brand). Also any fish flakes, tubifex or bloodworms that reach the bottom will also get eaten willingly.
snowyangel said:
Sorry but a pleco in a 10 gallon does not mix(most common plecos can reach 20 inches).
I totally skipped right over that :/

Ditto that about the pleco being too big. Oto cats are awfully cute.
what are oto cats? :/ i only saw plecos in my lfs, and they wer eonly an inch long...:/ anyways i saw some cory cats too, they're really cute, i dotn't hink they carry otos tho but i'll defintily look for them, thanks for the reminder :)

But my bettas will eat everything in sight :/ thye NEVER leave food uneaten lol. Will they eat betta pellets? i'm afraid i'm gonan end up starving my cories to death.
Here's a link with some info: Oto catfish

They have sucker mouths, not regular barbel mouths. They're really cute :wub:
Hi cutecotton :)

Corys and bettas get along very well. :nod: I raise corys and keep bettas in several of my tanks.

A betta will eat just about everything you feed the corys, but will eat it at the top or on the way down, while the corys eat it on the bottom. I have seen my bettas eating from the bottom of the tank too.

Corys (and otos) are schooling fish, which means that you should have at least 2 or 3 in the tank together. When they are alone they tend to be shy but in a group they feel secure and are playful.

Now, about the food........ Both bettas and corys need a balanced diet with lots of meaty stuff in it. Live, frozen or freeze dried brine shrimp, blackworms or tubifex worms are good additions to their basic diet of pellets or flakes.
I throw in some sinking shrimp pellets regularly for my cories. Every once in a blue moon the pleco will chow on them too. If u feed frozen bloodworms once or twice a week, it will be a good supplement for the betta, and cories will gladly gobble up any bloodworms that fall to the bottom.


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