Fluval Vuetec Issue?


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Essex, UK
I bought a Fluval Vuetec E300w heater for my tank last Sunday.  Set it to 23c and it warmed the water up nicely and kept it at the set temp with a green LED showing.  This was fine until 2 days ago when the display showed a blue light and regisstered the temp at 22c.  I initially left it as I thought the temp had dropped and it was in process of heating up (no indicator to show it is on = annoying).  That was in the morning, when I returned home in the evening, still blue showing 22c!
Last night, turned it off, left it in tank for about 3 hours.  Turned it on and raised the set temp up to 24c.  When it was initially turned on, it did its diagnostics and then the blue light was flashing registering 20c.  I left it, went to bed, this morning it was still blue and showing 22c!!
Is his thing busted?  Insights very welcome before I pack it up to get an exchange ...
It sounds like it might be a dead stat, Try turning it up even more. 
My heater is set to 32c but my tank is 26c.

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