Fluval Spec V


Jan 15, 2012
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Guess what I got for Christmas? :lol:

Super excited about this one. I've never done a journal, so please bear with me. I'm not promising much, but I figured I might as well give it a shot! I'm going for a planted betta tank, however I won't be starting the actual plant part until sometime in January.


After some fidgeting and setting up....


I used Eco Complete for substrate, and mature filter media to speed up the cycle process. In January the tank will be moved to somewhere with better light if the plants I decide on need higher light. I want to carpet the whole bottom with... Something. Need suggestions there. I can use liquid ferts if needed, plus the eco complete substrate and all I know about the lights is that there are "37 high output LEDs" and "7500K LED." I'm getting that straight off the box. Will that be any good for low light?
I'm also interested in one of those aqua bonsai trees. Anyone have experience with these? I found a site that sells them for around 20 bucks, and I really love the look of them.
Just for reference, the tank will be stocked with one very docile crowntail betta, a nerite snail, some red crystal shrimp, and if I can catch them from my big tank, two endlers. They are only going to be in there because I fear them getting eaten in the big tank some day. A little on the overstocked side possibly, but I'll watch my nitrates and edit as necessary.

So, really looking for ideas here. I want this tank to look... Landscapey... If that makes any sense. A few small rocks, carpeted floor and an aqua bonsai tree. Suggestions?

Oh, almost forgot! Here's the tank with the moonlight LEDs!

I'll also add a bit of my opinion on the tank. When I first set it up, I noticed the hanging light sagged on the end. I'd read about this before, but it really surprised me how much it hung down. I was able to actually move the light cord and hook it a different way that made it hang straight. If anyone else has this problem, I'd be happy to show you what I did. Pretty simple fix.
So far, I really like this tank. Set up was simple and it looks very sleek and seems to be very good quality. Of course, this is under first impression, but I think this tank is definitely something I'd recommend! The filter media it comes with is nice, however it is a bit tricky to fit mature media in. Nothing that's impossible though. It comes with a lid, which I didn't know and was very happy to see, as I hadn't even thought of that when looking into it.
I'll update if I find anything overwhelmingly negative, but so far I'm happy with it!
Very nice looking tank, looking forward to seeing what you do with it :)
I'm not gonna lie.... I forgot about this...

Anyways, It is fully cycled now and I found a Betta on Aquabid that I think ill bid on. My crowntail that I had originally planned to be in this tank passed while we were on vacation, and I have decided to go with red cherry shrimp instead.
So, I actually have a plan now. First, I am going to try and attempt to make my own "Bonsai" tree.  I plan on finding the wood and using Christmas or java moss. Honestly, I'm sorta modeling this off a tank I'm sure many of you have seen beofre...
I love this tank more then anything... so I am attempting to make something similar on a smaller scale. Since the light is low in this tank, I am trying to find something low light to carpet the tank with. I'll post pictures once it gets started!

I think im gonna go with dwarf hairgrass.... Hopefully the Eco Complete substrate and ferts will allow it too carpet!

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