Fluval Chi Journal


Cogito Ergo Sum
May 29, 2011
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I recently rescued a betta and some harlequin rasboras from someone who no longer wanted them. The tank was ugly and stinky. So I decided to go ahead and aquascape! And redo the tech on it. I'm planning on taking out the box filter and using a nano hang on, get some good lights (the clip on kind) and no lid. The tank will house a male betta and serve as a breeding tank for neocardinia shrimp so they have a place where the shrimplets won't be feasted on long enough for them to grow big so they can go to the main 20 gallon tank. The betta is very timid, he is even afraid when the cherries swim torwards him.
Anywho, here are the specs:

Black Sand
Moss Ball
Almond Leaves
Two Java Ferns

Will be adding more low light plants like crypts and anubias over the next few weeks. More neocardinia shrimp as well. Here is the tank as it stands today:


Will be doing a big scrubdown later and adding black sand :good:
Keep posted!
Finished the scrubbing. Just rinsed with hot water and scrubbed the glass with paper towels. Smells much nicer now :)

Cleaned the sand, added it in, as well as some rocks in one corner to make a cave like system for the shrimp. Added the java ferns and the shrimp. The shrimpies were very happy with their new home! Also added a betta hammock, I felt like Alpha would enjoy it. It's behind the box filter, so its out of view





Here you can sorta see the pile of pebbles forming a cave in the lower left corner

The cherries love hanging onto the box!

Sometime this or next week, will be getting more plants and some twigs to grow moss on. The twigs will stick out from the center box. Stay Tuned :good:
Any updates?!

I've decided on a filter, the Marina S10 Power Filter because of the adjustable flow and sponge covered intake.
Haven't fully decided on a light, but I'm favoring a 32 LED clip on.
I'm heading to the local creek this weekend to find some driftwood small enough to fit.
As well as swinging by the LFS to get some cherries :good:

Plants will bought after new light and filter are installed.
Haven't decided on all, but I want Java Moss, Dwarf Baby Tears or Fissidens splachnobryoides, Red Wendtii Crypt, and maybe anubias or another plant :good:

Oh, and I've narrowed down the kind of neocardinia I want, either Red Rilli, Red Crystal, Yellow, Orange, or Green Shrimp :lol:
Narrowed it down a lot with the shrimp lol, looks good, I like the leaves too, does the pot in the bottom come out or is it attached on these?
Narrowed it down a lot with the shrimp lol, looks good, I like the leaves too, does the pot in the bottom come out or is it attached on these?

There are too many to choose from! :p
The plant box is removable, I chose to keep it though. It stays attached by four suction cups, I think if I remember correctly.
I know, I love inverts, I'd get something like green shrimp as they're much easier to care for then the CRS's.
Ok, finally narrowed it down! By popular vote, it will either be Blue Pearl Shrimp or Sakura Orange Shrimp!
I think I will also be ordering a special Fluval Chi background, to hide the cables. I think I like the bamboo one.



Anybody know which is the easier to breed?

And here's the background:
i know blue pearl shrimp are a colour morph on cherry :good: and are as easy to keep as cherry shrimp

if your buying online let me know what this seller is like. im after some blue pearl's as well
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Well, I'm buying the filter and light tonight! And here's the driftwood I got:

Here are some extra shrimpy pictures





The filter arrived today! It's in great condition, but I won't be adding it until the light arrives. The filter came with two filter cartridges, but I think I will only use one, the one with the ammonia reducer, because the other one has carbon and I don't want it absorbing the catappa leaf nutrients. I'll fill up the rest of the filter with filter floss, ceramic rings (from the 20 gallon, to seed the filter) and cut to size sponges.

Background arrives tomorrow, the light within the next week. :good:

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