New Member
Tank: 80 x 35 x 45 cm
Filter: Fluval U3 Internal Filter
Lighting: Fluval GLO T8 lighting unit,One Power-Glo 20W, One Aqua-Glo 20W
Co2: Easy Life EasyCarbo
Substrate: Play Sand
Fertilization: JBL Fert tabs, will start using Easy Life ProFito end of the month
Fish: 8 x Cardinal Tetra( adding two more ) 1x Bolivian Ram and 3 Lemon Tetra ( those last two fish are the last ones alive from my 3 year old tank which now has nothing but plant cuttings in it. They will stay until the Apisto's get added then moved back.
Final Fish stocking List
10 x Cardinal Tetra
6 x Corydora Adolfoi
2 x Apistogramma Cacatuoides( not sure on what color variation to get here all great!
Erm you tell me I bought in mass so no idea. What i did buy tho is,
Sagittaria subulata Dwarf Grass
Amazon Frogbit
Currently only an assortment of snails so,
malaysian trumpet snails
Pond snails
Ramshorn Snails
I will get shrimp just not until next month.
These pics are in order over the past 21 days. it shows the growth, the trim down and the cuttings. Im going to continue to post update pics every 2 days right up till the last fish is added. Enjoy and hope what ever i do in this thread it helps out anyone in need. Also photos where taken on iPhone so not great...
The Trim
Filter: Fluval U3 Internal Filter
Lighting: Fluval GLO T8 lighting unit,One Power-Glo 20W, One Aqua-Glo 20W
Co2: Easy Life EasyCarbo
Substrate: Play Sand
Fertilization: JBL Fert tabs, will start using Easy Life ProFito end of the month
Fish: 8 x Cardinal Tetra( adding two more ) 1x Bolivian Ram and 3 Lemon Tetra ( those last two fish are the last ones alive from my 3 year old tank which now has nothing but plant cuttings in it. They will stay until the Apisto's get added then moved back.
Final Fish stocking List
10 x Cardinal Tetra
6 x Corydora Adolfoi
2 x Apistogramma Cacatuoides( not sure on what color variation to get here all great!
Erm you tell me I bought in mass so no idea. What i did buy tho is,
Sagittaria subulata Dwarf Grass
Amazon Frogbit
Currently only an assortment of snails so,
malaysian trumpet snails
Pond snails
Ramshorn Snails
I will get shrimp just not until next month.
Aquarium Evolution
These pics are in order over the past 21 days. it shows the growth, the trim down and the cuttings. Im going to continue to post update pics every 2 days right up till the last fish is added. Enjoy and hope what ever i do in this thread it helps out anyone in need. Also photos where taken on iPhone so not great...
The Trim