Fluorescent lighting


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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I was wondering if i should leave the light on during the day and off at night, like normal lighting, or should i turn it off during the day and on at night
it's so confusing :p
and also, how long on average does a flourescent bulb last?
I have a timer for mine , it comes for about 10 hours a day . on at mid-late morning

don't know about useful life spans .
mine are on for approx 13hrs a day

depending in the type of tube 10,000hrs is std life
Well, whethere you turn the lights on at night or during the day is an issue best resolved by answering this question: When are you home to see your fish? I have my lights on from about 4 pm to about 4 am (on a timer) as I am usualy home by 11 pm the latest, but my girlfriend and the cats like to see the fish too. What's important for the fish is that there is a schedule for the light. You should turn it on and off at about the same time every day. And in roughly equal measure (hence my 12 hour on/off period). When you are around to enjoy your fish is when you should primarily have your lights on. It serves little purpose to have the fish if you can't see them.

do you need to switch off the lights or can you leave them on 24/7.

do the fish need the lights off to sleep. can they survive if you switch off everything during the day?
TK Tiger said:
do you need to switch off the lights or can you leave them on 24/7.

do the fish need the lights off to sleep. can they survive if you switch off everything during the day?
Yes the fish need dark time as well as light time
you should never run lights 24/7
TK Tiger said:
do you need to switch off the lights or can you leave them on 24/7.

do the fish need the lights off to sleep. can they survive if you switch off everything during the day?
everything? like, the heater and filter aswell? I wouldn't risk that.

but yeah, fish need a "day" and a "night" like they'd get in the wild.
yeah i ment everything, we dont need heaters were we live the water temp is 23 with lights off and about 25 degrees centigrade with the lights on.

yeah i have the lights on a switch now when i get home i will switch the lights on and in the morning i will swich them off. thanks
My tank is lit up by natural sunlight. But it's not in direct sunlight. And like stated above, you shouldn't leave your light on 24/7.

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