Floating Shrimp Pellets

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Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2004
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Emmett, Idaho
Ok, I've seen where most other fish like guppies, platties and some tetras I think, like to eat other supliments, like shrimp and brine shrimp and ...list goes on. Well, I have a full container of Floating Shrimp Pellets, left over from my Betta that hated them. Anyway, they are not that big, and I wondering if I broke them in two pieces, would they be any good for the guppy or even tetras to nibble on? It says large fish eat whole, medium fish nibble when it gets soft. So is it a good suppliment? Or should I just donate it to someone with bigger fish?
It also says, great for bottom feeders, which I don't have, but I might get a ghost shrimp... course I don't think they could eat it.

I think the pellets are about ------- that long... and break easy to half that. Thick but not too thick. Does that help any? Oh, made by Tetra.
i bought shrimp pellets for my bottom feeders and discovered that the rest of my fish like them too, even tetras. so, you can try feeding it to them. a varied diet is good for the fish.
Oh Good. That will help since I don't have to buy any extra food for awhile. I had a half container of tropical flakes, some free ones with thank, and those shrimp things. No to just get the fish, lost last guppy today, I figured I would.
All fish with the exception of strict herbivors should be fed live or frozen foods such as bloodworm or daphnia at least once a week to aid with digestion and avoid constipation. A diet that consists solely of man made foods will leave the fish sluggish and bloated.
OK. I'll see about picking up some live foods soon, but at least I've got 2 types of foods for a few days or weeks to feed till I can actually get some live ones. Planning on getting Platties and Red Phantom Tertas. So a live food would be good for them?

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