

Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2012
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Hi all

For the last 3 months or so my fish have been flicking. I’ve ruled out the water as PH7, Amonia 0, Nitrite 0 and Nitrate 10-20. 30% water change and I consider my tank hygiene as very good.

  • Initially I thought it was bacterial and tried API Melafix. No benefit.
  • I think one fish later got whitepsot, which I thought was maybe the cause of the flicking. So treated the whole tank with Interpet Whitespot treatment. The sick fish died but the flicking stopped for a while.
  • The flicking returned and I thought it was maybe external parasites. So I treated with Esha2000 (wide range bacterial, parasite and fungal). Temporary relief
  • Then the flicking returned and I thought maybe the whitespot was not eradicated (possibly in gills), so I treated with Esha Exit (also treats velvet). No change.
  • So I did another treatment of Esha2000, but at double dose because I read the instructions and they said to increase in soft water, which I think mine is.
  • The flicking started again and I just left it, thinking it was maybe normal fish behaviour. A balloon molly died and a german blue ram and dwarf gourami stopped eating, got stringy poo and got tired.
  • Based on these symptoms I thought it pretty much sounded like internal parasites. So I am now treating with Waterlife Sterazin.
  • I’m on day 3 of a 5 day treatment. All looked well until I noticed a Platy scratching this morning.

I would say that pretty much all of the fish do it at some point or another, although only occasionally. With the exception of the ram and gourami, all the other fish look OK and behave OK aside from this occasional flicking.

I would really like to get rid of it, but don’t know how.
How many gallons is the tank?
What the brand name of the test kit you are Using?

You added to many meds. D
Never add meds till you know what you are treating for.

Whitespot looks like the fish has been sprinkled in salt.
Small white spots on fish body, fins.

Do any fish have white spots on them the size of a grain of salt.
Do any fish show signs of a yellow gold dust on there bodies.
Do any fish look like they have been dusted in talc.
Do any fish show signs of a rusty, coloured varnish on there bodies.
Do any fish show signs of a greyish, white, slime on there bodies, or fins.
Any trialing mucas from there fins, or bodies.
Do the gills look pale with excess slime, or red, and inflamed, or bleeding gills.
Any fish show signs of red pierce marks on there bodies, or fins.
Any fish show signs of darting around tank, erratic swimming.
Do any fish show signs of gasping at the top of the tank, or laboured breathing.
Do any fish look thin.
How many gallons is the tank?
What the brand name of the test kit you are Using?

You added to many meds. D
Never add meds till you know what you are treating for.

Whitespot looks like the fish has been sprinkled in salt.
Small white spots on fish body, fins.

Do any fish have white spots on them the size of a grain of salt.
Do any fish show signs of a yellow gold dust on there bodies.
Do any fish look like they have been dusted in talc.
Do any fish show signs of a rusty, coloured varnish on there bodies.
Do any fish show signs of a greyish, white, slime on there bodies, or fins.
Any trialing mucas from there fins, or bodies.
Do the gills look pale with excess slime, or red, and inflamed, or bleeding gills.
Any fish show signs of red pierce marks on there bodies, or fins.
Any fish show signs of darting around tank, erratic swimming.
Do any fish show signs of gasping at the top of the tank, or laboured breathing.
Do any fish look thin.

Hi there, answers to your questions. Size of tank is 100L. They have none of the above visible signs. The water test kits is API liquid tests.

Try to change your water conditioner and add some epsom salt in the tank.

get the smallest seachem prime and try to do massive water change after the sterazin treatment.

Have you use any salt in the past?

if all the other fish is tropical fish, 1tsp flat for every 40L water, so for 100L is 2 and half tsp. Introduce the salt slowly, for example 1 tsp per 30minute.

What kind of filter in the tank? is your temp in the tank stabil? Before flicking symptoms, did you add any fish?

for bacteria infection, if the fish still flicking, try to get furan 2 and metro treatment.

All the best.
Need to look at your full stocking list. As not all fish tolerate salt.

I would of expected to see some of the symptoms I mentioned in an earlier reply, if
a parasite was involved.

I would also advise changing to another brand of water conditioner.

Are the fish flicking alot. Or just now and then.

Also check your fish when they go to toilet.
Need to look at your full stocking list. As not all fish tolerate salt.

I would of expected to see some of the symptoms I mentioned in an earlier reply, if
a parasite was involved.

I would also advise changing to another brand of water conditioner.

Are the fish flicking alot. Or just now and then.

Also check your fish when they go to toilet.
its normal for them to flick sometimes. a few times a day maybe. they can become uncomfatable in really messy water. is your tank filled with tiny debris or is it clear? also having the temperature too high can cause them to flick. whats your temp? any higher then 28 and thats why
its normal for them to flick sometimes. a few times a day maybe. they can become uncomfatable in really messy water. is your tank filled with tiny debris or is it clear? also having the temperature too high can cause them to flick. whats your temp? any higher then 28 and thats why

I agree.

Do you have sand as a substrate. If so check the filter not flicking it about.
Thanks for your replies all, hopefully we're getting near to an answer.
Further info below ...

  • I am already using Seachem Prime, have been for the last 6 months or so.
  • I have fine gravel (the type that is larger than sand but smaller than regular gravel).
  • I've avoided using salt because I have some live plants which I don't want to destroy. However, a couple of them have brown specs, which I'm not sure whether this is connected to the fish flicking.
  • The flicking is very occasional. In an average day I might only observe one or two fish do it perhaps once. Am I over-reacting
  • Fish have been added between the flicking episodes
  • The filter is an internal filter. Only sponge media. (I'm assuming its effective as water stats are always good)
  • The temperature is a stable 25.5C
  • I do see very tiny particles in the water, but I think this is probably air from the filter's venturi.
  • Regarding poo, two fish got sic recently and showed stringy white poo. I assumed this was because I had not treat the flicking.

Stock list is
5 x platy
2 x dwarf gourami
3 x neon tetra
2 x dwarf neon rainbow
2 x boesmani rainbow
5 x tiger barb
1 x german blue ram
1 x baloon molly


  • fish tank 100912s.jpg
    fish tank 100912s.jpg
    91.7 KB · Views: 69
Your tanks abit overstocked for it's size.
Lovely tank by the way.

Once the med course has finished just do some water changes, add black carbon to the filter. To remove med from tank.

If anymore problems get back to the board.

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