Flame Gourami Colors


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2014
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I recently bought a Flame Gourami (last week) and it is very colorless... I've seen pictures and videos of beautiful Flame Gouramis that have red and blue colors on them, but mine is slightly blue and mostly orange and gray. I have been feeding my fish flakes everyday and blood worms 2x a week. My tank is also very planted. He is still very small maybe the size of a quarter, I've been  trying to find out if they gain color as they get older and become adults but I can't find anything on it. My gourami also is a male and is living with many smaller tank mates such as neon tetras and danios. They don't bother each other and stay calm, I just want to know if his colors will improve when he gets older or if there is a recommended type of food I should feed him to increase coloration.
My dwarf males get no special feeding to enhance colouration, i have a flame and a neon blue

You may have a female, they are quite drab compared to the boys
Alasse said:
My dwarf males get no special feeding to enhance colouration, i have a flame and a neon blue

You may have a female, they are quite drab compared to the boys
I checked to make sure and no it's a male
kuzyaburst said:
My dwarf males get no special feeding to enhance colouration, i have a flame and a neon blue

You may have a female, they are quite drab compared to the boys
I checked to make sure and no it's a male, here i'll take a picture of it.
Here is what he looks like, he is very orange and grayish but doesn't even have a little bit of red in him. I couldn't get him to stay still for me so I just took a picture while he was near the glass.


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    IMG_0441 (0-00-00-00).jpg
    59.7 KB · Views: 56
What are the water parameters?
It looks pretty coloured to me by the pic.
I personally think he is still getting comfortable in the tank
Alasse said:
What are the water parameters?
It looks pretty coloured to me by the pic.
I personally think he is still getting comfortable in the tank
my ph is 7.8 , the water is soft, and is very very clean. He might be, this is actually the first time I have seen him go away from his beloved Cabomba plant and actually swim around the tank.

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