I came across this article http
It lists the five worst fish for beginners:
1. Goldfish
2. Pleco
3. Dyed or deformed fish
4. Neon Tetra
5. Oscar
and the five best fish (apparently selected as close alternatives to each of the 'worst' fish above)
1. Platy
2. Cory
3. Glofish
4. Neon Rainbowfish
5. Kribensis
Would you agree with this article? Are there any fish you'd choose differently on these lists?

It lists the five worst fish for beginners:
1. Goldfish
2. Pleco
3. Dyed or deformed fish
4. Neon Tetra
5. Oscar
and the five best fish (apparently selected as close alternatives to each of the 'worst' fish above)
1. Platy
2. Cory
3. Glofish
4. Neon Rainbowfish
5. Kribensis
Would you agree with this article? Are there any fish you'd choose differently on these lists?