Fishless Cycling Questions?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
Hi all,
I have been fishless cycling my 38L (10 US G) tank now for a month. At the start I found that 3ml of ammonia (Homebase Value....think it’s 9.5%) raised my tank to between 4 & 5ppm. I now add that amount of ammonia every 24hrs My tank can now process that quantity to 0 ammonia & 0 nitrites in 24hrs and 0 ammonia & 4ppm nitrites in 12hrs.
Should I now be adding that quantity of ammonia every 12hrs instead? Should I be dropping the quantity of ammonia I add? Or, should I continue as i am, adding 3ml every 24hrs until my Nitrites are showing 0 after 12hrs?
Thanks in advance :)
Continue dosing 4ppm (3ml) ammonia every 24 hours, just test after 12. The filter is processing over half the nitrite in 12 hours, so definitely not long to go. Once you have got to the magical Double Zeros after 12 hours, continue the same regime for a further week, just to make sure the Double Zeros wasn't a fluke. THen do a MASSIVE water change, as close to 100% as you can, to get shot of the nitrate, turn the heater down to the mid70s (dependant upon which fish you want to keep) and add fish.

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