Fishless Cycling...finally...


Fish Addict
Apr 24, 2012
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I've posted this as a journal like a lot of people do. :shifty:

OK, I have had A LOT of problems with fishless cycling.
First, we were advised by a website to add 1/2 a cup of ammonia, so we did and we found out Ammonia was probably at something like 26ppm :crazy:
Then we bought this stuff called PurePond, that got rid of all the ammonia, and then I found out the bacteria it put in the tank weren't permanent. So using the Calculator Tab I've dosed it up to 4.9 [don't know why my test kit measures that].
But the PurePond left my tank with about 1.6 Nitrite and 110+ Nitrates.
So after all the stuff disappears I'll do a massive water change and we're ready to go.

TekFish :good:
If it's a 'fresh start' you're looking for then i would start doing more regular water changes.. maybe not as much as you would, say..weekly, but certainly more regulary. I messed up on my first fishless cycle and the advice i received helped me alot at the time, remember that our beneficial bacteria enjoy fresh, warm, de-chlorinated water as much as our fish do, never be afraid of doing some.
It helped me, particulary, as i was using a range of chemicals at the time...only to learn a simple few water changes were the best solution most of the time.
A sign of NitrItes is a great sign (such high NitrAtes are a little weird though).. but your main concern now is timing how long it takes to hit '0' on the Ammonia test.
Best of luck

The reason I have so much NitrAtes is because of how much ammonia I put in to start with. :rolleyes:
I thought you weren't meant to do water changes with fishless cycles?
I'm quite confused.
But at the end of the week I'll be asking my LFS for some seeded media. :hyper:
Hopefully that will get the ball rolling.

TekFish :good:
The product PurePond that you mentioned may have confused me a little... alot of products and do state that they are able to help 'get rid' of Ammonia, yet it's only 2 things that can do that..water changes or a fully cycled filter (great news with the seeded media donation from your shop, excellent move!).
What test kit are you using? Particular ones can give innacurate results.
But no.. water changes can never damage a fishless cycle.. as long as it replaced with de-chlorinated water then tested, possibly re-dosed with Ammonia.


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