Fishless cycle!


New Member
Nov 9, 2016
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Dumbarton, Scotland
hi just joined the forum tonight. I'm new to fish keeping. Have set up my tank and has been going through the 'cycle' for 3 weeks. Don't know what I'm doing! Been testing the water but find it difficult to understand. It appears things are staying the same. Have discovered that the air tube from the air stone is turning green inside. Have done 2 small water changes. Please help!!
Thinking of buying the ammonia to see if it will help the 'cycle' process.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Linda, I notice you are in Scotland and I know that lots of people in Scotland have very soft water with low pH. If you have this kind of water you will need to increase your carbonate hardness during cycling. If you start a thread about this in the cycling section, the cycling experts will be able to give you the best way to proceed.

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