Fishless Cycle At 85 Degrees How Air Power Needed


Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2012
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Cambourne, Cambridgeshire
I am fishless cycling at 85 degrees f, I don't have any way to get the oxygen in to the water only the venturi on my Fluval u2 filter is that good enough ? I do have a high powered power head with a venturi on it, when I put it in the tank the amount of air getting in to the water is huge it causes a bit of a whirl pool, so what would you advise as the best to use is the u2 ok on its own, many thanks for all your help, from Paul
As long as the surface is agitated O2 will get in. Point the filter outlet up to alow this to happen.
Xraymark is fine. As long as the filter is keeping the water surface moving, there will be plenty of oxygen in the water.

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