Hi i would like some help after checking my tropical fish tank i noticed my gold fish has got a white pupil he has also been acting sluggish usually he is very active and he only came out when i put some food in the tank iv had him over a year he spent 6 months in my turtle tank and after selling my turtles he was put in my tropical tank so i checked the water and then done a water change and cleaned the filter in a bucket of tank water my heater is set at 28 and all my fish are fine apart from goldfish and he has never been in cold water since i had him and has been fine up untill know.
Results of water tests are
Ph - 6.00 ppm
High range ph - 7.4 ppm
Ammonia (nh3/nh4+) - 0.25ppm
Nitrite ( no2-) - 0 ppm
Nitrate (no3-) 0ppm
His tank and tank mates are
Fluval roma 200 (200 ltr) filter is fluval u4
Clown loach
Bronze cory
Peppered cory
Micky mouse platy
Whip tail cat fish
Upside down catfish
Silver dollars
2 x shubunkies
1 x big goldfish
Results of water tests are
Ph - 6.00 ppm
High range ph - 7.4 ppm
Ammonia (nh3/nh4+) - 0.25ppm
Nitrite ( no2-) - 0 ppm
Nitrate (no3-) 0ppm
His tank and tank mates are
Fluval roma 200 (200 ltr) filter is fluval u4
Clown loach
Bronze cory
Peppered cory
Micky mouse platy
Whip tail cat fish
Upside down catfish
Silver dollars
2 x shubunkies
1 x big goldfish