Fish Tank Leaking!


Fish Fanatic
May 6, 2013
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Hi everyone, my 60 litre fish tank is leaking and I don't know what to do. It is not gushing out or anything, but the towels I put around it have been soaked and the water level has gone down about an inch. It doesn't appear to be that the silicone has some away, it looks like the very bottom corner where there is black plastic is leaking.

Please help ASAP. Thanks.
Do you have a spare tank or buckets around to put the fish in? If not you may want to pick up one of those rubbermaid storage tubs and put them in that, and drain the tank, then get a new one ASAP. Sorry to hear about this.
Don't mean to sound rude, but if the glass is not cracked, it is a leak in the silicone.
The black plastic trim is just that, trim. It helps to hold the panes in place, but is not water tight.

You will need to drain the tank. A spare tank or two, buckets, or plastic tubs will hold the fish, et cetera, temporarily. If the tank is under warranty replace it. If not, get some aquarium silicone. Use a straight razor to remove the old silicone, clean, and reseal. Had to do it a couple of months ago with my four footer. Remember to check the tank for leaks after it is resealed.
Good luck.
Thanks for the help guys, I just went out and bought a new tank of the same size. I forgot to look at replies before i left the house, so it probably was a leak in the silicone but I decided I would just get a new tank instead of me faffying about with silicone. :p
Thanks again. :)
Lucky you! You can afford to just buy another tank lol. Soo what are you doing with the other one?

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