Fish Suggestions For My Community Tank (Peaceful Fish Only Please!


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Jan 17, 2014
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I started a 72 gallon community aquarium a few months ago. I currently have 2 bristlenose plecos, 2 german blue rams, 4 zebra snails and 2 aquatic frogs. I am currently looking at getting a opaline gourami and a zebra pleco. Would the gourami and the zebra pleco fit well with the aquatic animals I already have?
Also do you have any suggestions for some top feeders and middle feeders that will get along well in this tank?
I am wanting mostly medium fish (mostly around the size of the germal blue rams). I only wanted one bigger fish which i am hoping will be my opaline gourami. How many fish do you suggest I should have for a nicely stocked aquarium? I want it to look full but I also want it to be less than what is considered "maximum capacity".
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Avoid the opaline gourami, if you want peaceful fish! We have another thread going about them at the moment where we've been discussing how aggressive they are!
What are the dimensions of your tank (lovely size tank, btw :) )  and do you know if your water is hard or soft? That'll help the members here make the best suggestions for your set up.
Okay that's good to know thanks! And my pH is about 7.4 right now so it's a little hard but where I live all the fish I buy from big Als come in water of the same pH so they said don't try to change it. And I don't know the dimensions of the tank off hand. It is a bow front aquarium that is 48.4"x18"x23"
Also I was told if I got a female opaline gourami it wouldn't be aggressive if I have it a place to make its territory. Was this incorrect?
Welcome to the forums.
Zebra plecs are not for beginners and not for community tanks.
pH is something else than hardness.
What kind of frogs do you have? They normally don't do well in a community tank.
What is your substrate?

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