Fish Stocking Suggestions


Fish Crazy
Nov 6, 2011
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I currently have a 125litre (around 30 gallons) juwel rio 125. It houses 2 either butterfly or german blue rams (im not too sure), 1 red dwarf gourami, 6 galaxy rasboras, 5 pepperedy corys, 3 dwarf corys, 5 chilli rasboras and 3 ottos. It sounds heavily stocked but apart from the rams, dwarf gourami and corys, they are all tiny fish. I am currently looking for new stock, not too much, just enough to make it a little interessting and add a little colour. The plant is not heavily planted but a lot of the plants are recently planted and will soon grow into a heavily planted aquarium. Literally any and all advice or suggestions are welcome on fish. sorry for the long description, so to make up for it, here are some pictures :D


The galaxy rasboras won't be happy in with gourami or rams.
They're very timid & prefer to be with fish more of their own size
The galaxy rasboras won't be happy in with gourami or rams.
They're very timid & prefer to be with fish more of their own size

they seem fine at the moment, im pretty sure they aren't threatened or scared because they rarely go around as a shoal, normally just in pairs. and they hang around where the gourami likes to hide as well (because he's very shy)
the galaxy rasboras are temperate fish much happier to live at room temp0erature
Platies? You know your tank better than me so i won't bother telling you what you shouldn't have.
Cardinal tetras are good fish and great deep red. I have neon tetras because they don't have cardinals where I live but cardinals look better and are a bit larger. You could also try cory cats, or bristle nose plecos. I havn't had cories in a while but loved them. But I still think it would look great with cardinals or neons if you can't find them. I also know very litle about ciclids so sorry if the fish I suggested won't work.
I have galaxy rasboras in with lemon tetras & tiger barbs and thus far no Problems so not sure about them having to be with fish the same size !!!!!
Hope you get your stocking the way you want it!! ☺
I have galaxy rasboras in with lemon tetras & tiger barbs and thus far no Problems so not sure about them having to be with fish the same size !!!!!
Hope you get your stocking the way you want it!! ☺

you probably wont have any problems but your celestial pearls wont be thriving

here is a quote from a crazed fan of cpds from onother forum

Hi cliffy, welcome to the forum!

Well when U Tin Win of the Hein Aquarium visited the site where they were collecting CPD's, the water tested at a pH of 7.3 and the conductivity of 250 microS/cm. 250 microS/cm = roughly 160.25 ppm, fairly soft water.

"That said, I've kept them under a wide range of water parameters and temperatures with great success. Mine seem to be the happiest in cooler water, room temperature un-heated tanks, and with the pH close to neutral, (6.8-7.2 pH).

Platies? You know your tank better than me so i won't bother telling you what you shouldn't have.
Cardinal tetras are good fish and great deep red. I have neon tetras because they don't have cardinals where I live but cardinals look better and are a bit larger. You could also try cory cats, or bristle nose plecos. I havn't had cories in a while but loved them. But I still think it would look great with cardinals or neons if you can't find them. I also know very litle about ciclids so sorry if the fish I suggested won't work.

thanks guys, i think at the moment it is a toss up between the cardinals and platies because i know i can definitly get them from my LFS.

I have galaxy rasboras in with lemon tetras & tiger barbs and thus far no Problems so not sure about them having to be with fish the same size !!!!!
Hope you get your stocking the way you want it!! ☺

you probably wont have any problems but your celestial pearls wont be thriving

here is a quote from a crazed fan of cpds from onother forum

Hi cliffy, welcome to the forum!

Well when U Tin Win of the Hein Aquarium visited the site where they were collecting CPD's, the water tested at a pH of 7.3 and the conductivity of 250 microS/cm. 250 microS/cm = roughly 160.25 ppm, fairly soft water.

"That said, I've kept them under a wide range of water parameters and temperatures with great success. Mine seem to be the happiest in cooler water, room temperature un-heated tanks, and with the pH close to neutral, (6.8-7.2 pH).


I see what your saying, but mine seem fine, and seeing as they hang around the heater most of the time anyway, i think they are fine with the temperature
I think cardinals have more similar water parameters to South American ciclids than platies. But I guess as long the ph is not in the extreme they would be fine.

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