Fish Stocking Planning Time!


Aug 16, 2012
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Alright... I think this might be my last general question on here until after my tank is already running and starting to get stocked. Its a 125 gallon ( 72x18x22 ) so theres plenty of room and for now will have fake plants while I work on learning about real plants ( one step at a time ). I want to have these fish if they're all compatible and if not, give me a suggestion to replace:
15x Harlequin Rasbora
7x Tiger Barb
2x Pearl Gourami
3x Pictus Catfish ( have one now, his friend died but I'll get him more soon )
1x Striped Raphael catfish
5x Khuli Loach
6-10 corydora

I know the little guys will get eaten by the catfish eventualy but for now I want them in the tank. I was hoping to add some guppies that are a larger breed I saw at the LFS or maybe black neon tetra
its not realy that nice to let them get killed :angry:
If a fish doesn't fit in with your stocking then don't get it, it's irresponsible. :grr:
Well.. in another tank I have Piranhas and they eat fish on a regular basis... I know the Pictus goes to be ~5" but I'm still trying to find what size would be their "eats whatever fits in their mouth". I know the Harlequins are fast, the Gouramis would be too large, same with the Barbs when they all hit adult size. I originally wanted some fancy breed of Guppy but that idea is pretty much already out of my head. I know its not a nice idea to "let" them be eaten, but I dont really have much of a choice around here. The LFS either sells feeder fish, really small fish, or fish that grow 10+ inches and they never tell you that when they're being sold
Right now I have one of my AquaClear 110's in my tank using some of the media from my mom's aquarium at her house. The ammonia is non existent I'm just trying to get rid of of the Nitrite right now, I'll be picking up a bottle of SeaChem Prime on Wednesday when I go to the better fish store out of town. By the time I have the stand built the filter should be good to go and I'm going to put it in the 125gallon with the other Aquaclear, put in ammonia and see how long it takes to remove it. When its ready I plan to start stocking the fish
Right now I have one of my AquaClear 110's in my tank using some of the media from my mom's aquarium at her house. The ammonia is non existent I'm just trying to get rid of of the Nitrite right now, I'll be picking up a bottle of SeaChem Prime on Wednesday when I go to the better fish store out of town. By the time I have the stand built the filter should be good to go and I'm going to put it in the 125gallon with the other Aquaclear, put in ammonia and see how long it takes to remove it. When its ready I plan to start stocking the fish


Why dont you add the raphael, which grows to 8 inches, by the way, and the pictus cats after the other fish have grown up? :good:
I might try that method, I do have a 30 gallon I'll have as a spare soon that can home them for awhile. Other then that, the stock list looks good? I might think of adding some danios

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