Fish Crazy
I am getting a new tank and was hoping you could reccomend some fish for it. I am going to have a load of plants and bogwood, ect. with an open space near the front. But still not decided on sand or gravel.
I am going to be moving over my:
peppered cory
panda cory
zebra loach
and pair of albino bristlenose(which I hope will breed)
I would like to get some more corys (as they like to be in groups) and some more zebra loaches (to get ride of any snail I might get) and in time maybe 2 regular bristlenose.
To add to that I think I would like some Neon tetras, Lemon tetras and some rams. I dont know what else to add. I was thinking maybe a betta, but this may limit my options for other fish
Please reccommend some fish you think would go well although I dont want anything to big. And let me know what you think.
I am going to be moving over my:
peppered cory
panda cory
zebra loach
and pair of albino bristlenose(which I hope will breed)
I would like to get some more corys (as they like to be in groups) and some more zebra loaches (to get ride of any snail I might get) and in time maybe 2 regular bristlenose.
To add to that I think I would like some Neon tetras, Lemon tetras and some rams. I dont know what else to add. I was thinking maybe a betta, but this may limit my options for other fish
Please reccommend some fish you think would go well although I dont want anything to big. And let me know what you think.