Fish Picture Quiz

The fish at the top of the page is a rainbowfish and Hint 3 says its NOT a rainbowfish
Chinese Algae Eater?
Im on the verge of giving up :sad:

More hints will follow, you've got to get it eventually!

I think he's enjoying this... :lol: ;)

I am actually :lol:

Pygmy corydoras

Think your network has let you down again mate :lol:

Lokk closer! Where've you seen that before :hey: ... is it the yellow fish at the top of the page? i dunno what its called lol

Blue tetra ... I'm going to laugh when you post the full pic and everyones like ohhh!
Blue tetra ... I'm going to laugh when you post the full pic and everyones like ohhh!

I might not bother, leave you guessing forever!

Only joking, as if I'd do that. (No by the way)

Hint 1: Not a barb

Hint 2: Not a cory.

Hint 3: Not a rainbow.

Hint 4: Common tropical freshwater species.

Hint 5: The image is a small part of a small fish.
i thought by the time i got the to the third page it would have been got, not even going to guess as im abit of a novice

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