Hi all - I'm in the process of moving my fish from a 5.5 gallon to a 54 gallon. It will probably be a couple/few weeks still - big tank isn't cycled yet but I'll be doing a planted cycle so we'll see. I was originally just going to shut down the 5 gallon when I moved the fish over, but now I've got the aquarium bug and want to keep them both going.
My daughter is asking for frogs. I think 2-3 african dwarf fogs are suitable for a 5.5 gallon tank, yes? If so, can anyone suggest a fishy pal for the frogs? I've been reading that a betta is fine in a small tank but they may be too aggressive for the frogs. I would love one colorful and playful fish in this tank but I'm not sure what to get. I'm completely open to a small school of nano-appropriate fish, but I haven't fallen in love with any that I've read about. This is basically going to be my daughter's fun tank. I have rainbow gravel, bright plastic plants mixed in with the real plants, spongebob decor, etc. for a 3 year old's tastes. She is also totally in love with our 2 current golden snails, who are both actually very active and fun to watch. The one (Turbo) has a habit of crawling on the bubble tube and getting bubbles caught up in his shell and then it's flying snail! I would leave the snails, but I think she would be disappointed if there wasn't at least one fish in "her" tank and I don't want to overload the tank with creatures.
My daughter is asking for frogs. I think 2-3 african dwarf fogs are suitable for a 5.5 gallon tank, yes? If so, can anyone suggest a fishy pal for the frogs? I've been reading that a betta is fine in a small tank but they may be too aggressive for the frogs. I would love one colorful and playful fish in this tank but I'm not sure what to get. I'm completely open to a small school of nano-appropriate fish, but I haven't fallen in love with any that I've read about. This is basically going to be my daughter's fun tank. I have rainbow gravel, bright plastic plants mixed in with the real plants, spongebob decor, etc. for a 3 year old's tastes. She is also totally in love with our 2 current golden snails, who are both actually very active and fun to watch. The one (Turbo) has a habit of crawling on the bubble tube and getting bubbles caught up in his shell and then it's flying snail! I would leave the snails, but I think she would be disappointed if there wasn't at least one fish in "her" tank and I don't want to overload the tank with creatures.