Fish losses


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
Today I have found two of my guppies inside my filter
dead :( they were fine and in the tank 5hrs ago but must've
got into the filter whilst I was out :(

Additionally I have found in a seperate tank the corpses of
4 lampeye panchax, I know these are sensative fish and
don't live long anyway but it is always sad to see dead fish.

:rip: :byebye:
sorry for your loss.

btw, i didnt kno w you had other fish apart from the danios and 2 bettas
wrs said:
sorry for your loss.

btw, i didnt kno w you had other fish apart from the danios and 2 bettas
thanks wrs
yeah i have others I just tend to go on about
the danios more than anything else :)
kribsinvcrib said:
Sorry for your loss D-man :(

Hope you'd guarded the entry point with something.
Thanks Kribs
The filter has been raised so that the top part is
1/2" above the water line. They can not get into it now
(I hope)
I myself, hate seeing dead fish. Sorry for the loss of your fishies. :-(

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