Fish List


New Member
May 23, 2012
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Hi, I just recently started a 100 gallon freshwater tank, it's cycled and everything; but empty. So, I compiled a list and I need some advice/recomendations/tips.

1 African Dwarf Frog
3 Fancy Guppies
2 Black Mollies
3 Neon Tetras
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Cory Cat

Will all these fish work well together?
Hi, I just recently started a 100 gallon freshwater tank, it's cycled and everything; but empty. So, I compiled a list and I need some advice/recomendations/tips.

1 African Dwarf Frog
3 Fancy Guppies
2 Black Mollies
3 Neon Tetras
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Cory Cat

Will all these fish work well together?
Not sure if they can all go together but I just thought I'd let you know that corys and neons will need to b in a group of 6+ and you will need to use sand on the bottom if you were to keep corys.

With a 100 gallon tank I'd of thought it would look empty with that stock even if you were to up the numbers
I agree with the above to be fair. I got a 120 gallon with a red devil cichlid, 2 birchirs and a plec :) iv had loads of cichlids in there but you have so many different options. You could keep it peacefully and go with bigger shoals of fish, semi aggressive cichlid community or a species only tank :)
I like these fish, so can someone tell me if they are okay to keep together?
You can keep them together but in that size tank I'd do this if these are the only ones in the tank:

1 ADF (these are kinda blind and it's recommended that the tank is less than 20" tall)
5-10 guppies
5 mollies
40-50 neons
1 male and 2 female dwarf gourami, or just 1 male.
20 corys.
I think if I had a bigger tank, I wouldn't get bigger fish, I would instead keep a bigger community. :rolleyes: Create a massive aquascape with lots of plants, wood and rock, a nice moss wall and create a the perfect community. That'd be my plans :drool:
I would go with Man of Fish and keep much bigger groups of what you planned. It is a lovely size tank and you could keep large shoals and have a great community. With the cory you can mix and match succesfully so maybe have a few different types in smaller groups (I have horseman, sterba, and false bandit). Similarly if you dont want 40/50 neons, get 25, and get 20 rummynose tetra?

PS If you want to keep mollies and guppies for breeding I imagine the young would be eaten in this set up.

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