fish list


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
okay I may be getting a 45 gallon tank and was looking at some fish for it and after I get the tank all set up for a marine tank I was wondering if it would be alright to get these fish and how many I should get

Synchropus Splendidus
Pterapogon Kauderni
Amphiprion Percula
Gramma Loreto
okay greatlakes here are the common names

green mandarinfish
kauderns cardnial
black and white clownfish
royal gramma basslet
all of those are good except the green mandarinfish, which needs a 6 month mature tank with a plentiful supply of "pods" growing on the live rock (which is a must). these fish are best for reef setups. other than that, I would say those are great fish.
as I have stated in another post I found a new lfs up here... see what happens woke up nice and wet decided that my truck was tooooooooo clean and instead find a new lfs...... what are the odds? so anyway disappointed in the cichlid selection but pretty impressed with the marine selection.... in fact got the wife to change the list a bit.....

2 ornge and white perculas
2 black and white perculas
1 blue streak damsel fish
1 roayal oh horse pucky forgot the name but it was the blue fish in finding nemo
No fair your my wife you can't be egging me on :D :D :D ... but any way I decided that when she gets home today that I am going to take her to our new lfs to get a 55 gallon tank. just the tank today and slowly work on getting all of the equiptment that we need to have a healthy FOWLR set up for now then I think that we may add some Inverts later to get the true reef tank.....but as sugessted on MANY other threads this is going to take awhile
juanveldez said:
2 ornge and white perculas
2 black and white perculas
1 blue streak damsel fish
1 roayal oh horse pucky forgot the name but it was the blue fish in finding nemo
The royal oh horse pucky couldn't be a Regal Tang, could it? anyways, if thats what it is you might want to make some changes. regal tangs get 1' long and like to be in very lage aquariums. you could pobably replace it with a dwarf angelfish, like a flame dwarf angel. other than that it sounds great.
Most tangs are susceptible I think. But my sailfin never had a problem. Get a cleaner shrimp or two and you ought to be ok.

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