Fish I'd Help Needed Please


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
Basildon Essex UK
Just got this tank for £20


And the husbandry of its previous owner is diabolical Just to give you a idea




and it come with 3 fish but no clue what they are 2 are fish that suck on glass and one I have no idea what it is please help I'd them please



Hi basboi85, this is what happens when you get fed up with a hobby, it amazes me how the fish survive but they do,can't help with the fish as I am useless ........sorry.......

ps.....a cracking buy
First one kinda looks like a threespot barb.

Second one I'd guess at a Siamese Flying Fox.

Third one a loach of some form.

Great buy by the way, at least now you can look after the fish properly. :good:
It's shocking how filthy it is and the tank must be at least 2.5ft long 3 ft max and it had a stupid little internal filter to clean it all but as you can see its failed as its probably ment for a 50L tank. I'm passing the biggest fish in the first pic on to my mate as he has simular fish just need to know what it is for compatabilitys
That top one is some kind of headstander - at a guess I would say (after a quick google I have to admit) Leporinus Maculatus. However it looks a little stressed - so it could turn up being a close relative.

Got to admit as well - quite a rare fish, by no means common. Headstanders are a little nippy at times but very nice fish, they do best as singletons but more ideally in a group. If you wanted to pursue a group perhaps get in touch with Wildwoods who are probs your best bet in Essex :)

As for the other two, Diesis got it right, somewhat of a pest fish IMO as they are way too common and cause quite a lot of issues at one point or an other.

That top one is some kind of headstander - at a guess I would say (after a quick google I have to admit) Leporinus Maculatus. However it looks a little stressed - so it could turn up being a close relative.

Got to admit as well - quite a rare fish, by no means common. Headstanders are a little nippy at times but very nice fish, they do best as singletons but more ideally in a group. If you wanted to pursue a group perhaps get in touch with Wildwoods who are probs your best bet in Essex :)

As for the other two, Diesis got it right, somewhat of a pest fish IMO as they are way too common and cause quite a lot of issues at one point or an other.

Looking at the picture versus a google search of the Leporinus Maculatus, I think you nailed that one. I found a picture that is dang near a perfect match!
thanks :) It will be interesting to see them in good condition as there are a few variants that get red spots around the face and some get red into the fins etc.

Really nice fish, getting quite a bit of envy tbh :)
thanks :) It will be interesting to see them in good condition as there are a few variants that get red spots around the face and some get red into the fins etc.

Really nice fish, getting quite a bit of envy tbh :)

Its a very pretty fish. From the picture that was posted here, the body almost looks gourami-ish. Never seen one before.
Thank you for all your replies and It took over 3 hours for it to start swimming around and my mate picked it up about 9 pm and by sounds of it from what he's texting me it's dying from stress hope its not as it's a lovely fish and from what has been said its rare.

And the other 2 fish are being picked up tomorrow as the Missus friend are going to have the
As they stick out like a sore thumb in my setup and tbh Im not into those breeds of fish and I won't enjoy them so I am happy they are off to a better home
Number three looks like an albino plec as looks very much like mine.
Cant help with the other but looks like you got it sorted.
Congrats of buying your tank!!
The Leporinus Maculatus died today in my friends tank due to stress I advised him to have his lights off and give food to try reduce stress obv after slowly introducing period it into his tank I was on the phone to him last night (01:30am) as he was up with his daughter and he checked on it to find it bobbing on from upright to its side and so forth.

He has another tank (3ft) that he has had running for a while as a hospital tank and he put it in there to try help reduce the stress but to which I think finally killed it off with to much stress from horrendous traveling conditions ( been brought in less than 2-3 inches of water in the tank !!! That was absolutely distgusting, then moved straight into my tank ( bad idea I know but had no choice at the time) then into my friends tank.

So withing say 6-8 hours it's been moved massively stressed so I'm gutted I didn't keep hold of it for a few days as the 2 other fish are absolutely fine in my tank And it might've still been alive now

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