Fish Had Pectoral Fin Ripped Off


Fish Crazy
Aug 21, 2012
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I just got a  baby Bristlenose Pleco today from my LFS and found it to have no left dorsal fin, no fleshy bit at all. I'm just wondering whether this would grow back as a totally new fin? water is good 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 7-10 nitrates. And I'll be feeding algae wafers and cucumber etc..
Cheers for any replies!
Poor little guy :(
I would recommend dosing him with some Melafix.  It's more a tonic than a medicine, though.  If that doesn't work, you could try adding some Mardel Maracyn or Maracyn II, which are antibiotics that help it grow back.  Of course, isolate him before you put any medication in his water.  Good luck!
I, personally, wouldn't recommend using any treatment, unless the fish shows some sign of secondary infections, like fungus, so watch out for any reddening or white, fluffy spots.
Fins can re-grow, to some extent, but if the 'bony' parts of the fin are missing, it's very unlikely to grow back. It shouldn't affect the fish though.
Thanks for the advice guys! I'll just let him be and see how he goes. Poor guy :( 

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