Fish Gills


New Member
May 20, 2012
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my black tetras gills are red and ripped up! how can i help him?
What're your water stats? IE: ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, pH (if possible), temperature, have you had new additions and have you had any problems in the recent past in your tank?
the ammonia is good. idk about nitrite and ph but the tempature is 78 degrees f. no i have never had problems in my tank before this is a first.
and no i havent had any new additions. its a 29 gallon with 3 neon teras, 2 swordtails, 5 guppies, 1 pleco, and a chinese alge eater.

and then theres the 2 black skirt.
Sorry to hear about your Tetra. You should keep a close eye on your Chinese Algae Eater. When they get larger they get more aggressive & they can suck on your other fish!

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