Fish For New Tank


New Member
Feb 17, 2013
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I have just set up a new tropical freshwater tank (2 weeks old with fish), based on parameter of 1cm of fish per litre of water I have 10cm of fish I can fill to avoid being overstocked. (60cm of fish so far on 70 litre tank). was going to get red tail or ruby shak but now found not suitable for this tank, didn't plan well enough!!!. I already have some gold barbs and guppies in a tank with 6 decent sized plans and some decortions with hiding places.
Does any one have some ideas on which fish I put in this tank? I would like active, colourful fish which dont require much maintenance (or at least not much more than my current fish do?)
Have you cycled your filter?  If not, you're starting a "fish-in"cycle and you'll need to change most of the water every day with temperature matched dechlorinated water, otherwise your fish will die of ammonia poisoning.  And you should get a liquid test kit to measure pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.  Don't add more fish until you have got through the cycle, which means that your water reads zero ammonia and zero nitrite.  Have a read of the many posts on this forum covering cycles, and do some research elsewhere on the web, it will save your fish and a lot of heartache and money if you put the effort in now.  Apologies if you have already cycled the filter or have used mature filter media!  Once you have a cycled tank which is safe for fish, and you know your pH, and give the temperature, then you can start thinking about adding more fish.  By the way, 1cm per litre is high stocking; the very general rule is usually 1 inch per gallon.
i hate to say it, 1cm of fish per litre of water, do you mean 1 inch?  fish grow and decorations take up the volume of water too, and as yout tank isnt cycled i wouldnt add anymore fish, please read the link in my signature on cycling
Your tank is less than 19 gallons, so fuly stocked at about 18-19 inches of fish (taking the fully grown, adult size) and you currently have 60cm or 24 inches...

As mentioned above you are headed for some rough times if you haven't already cycled the tank; please please read up on this. It will be far easier on you and your fish to re-home or take back some of the fish rather than getting any new ones.

I know this all seems like we are getting at you but honestly we are not; so many come into the hobby fast and furious only to abandon it quickly when all their fish die from new tank syndrome. Our aim is to help newbies like yourself to navigate this very tricky bit, so that you can then go on to enjoy many happy and fun years of fishkeepign :)
If your tank is cycled, then you can plan on mollies or some tetras. But only after some fish die/ are given away. Your tank is over stocked. It's 1 inch of a FULLY GROWN fish per gallon.

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