Fish Flicking


Feb 21, 2012
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Hi All
Since swapping over to sand a few months ago , my bottom dwellers started to flick and still do. There has been no ick or signs of ulcers or anything else. I treated for internal parisites awhile ago for my guppies as not sure if there was a problem there , but they are ok .
It is just my keyhole cichilds and cories that do this and just wondered why?
I do a weekley water change and clean sand and a monthly clean of external fluval 306 and use tank water when doing so . I have changed water treatment to API + stress coat last month to see if this will help , but still doing this.
It is a well matured tank and stats are good .
There is no way any irritants get into the tank as very carefull to keep fish bits seperate to the point of being nurotic with this . Tank has a closed lid and never use polish near or nor room deodrants.
Any idears what can be causing this ? all fish are healthy

Sorry meant to add I have looked up gill parasites but no signs of this or any unexplained fish dying
Hey! About a month ago I switched to sand also and ever since my loaches have been doing the exact same thing yet are all perfectly healthy :) I got myself a Krib Cichlid the other day and he too flicks at the sand. At first I was worried something might be wrong with them but after watching closely it appears that they are just foraging for leftovers :) I also read up somewhere that some fish and bottom feeders use flick against the sand as a way of cleaning themselves so I'd say your fish are perfectly fine and there's nothing to worry about! Hope this was helpful for you x
Hi cheers for answering :) I was hoping this was all it was but thought I would ask the question just in case
Have you tested water from just above the sand floor? Some tanks can suffer water quality variances caused by poor flow.

Have you changed dechlorinator? Some fish find a change in prducts irritating.

Have you been adding excess dechlorinator? My Beckford Pencilfish in particular do not like it if I add excess Prime.
I've had the same thing happening with my African Cichlids. They started doing this a little before i switched over to sand. I treated my water for a month straight with no change in their behavior, and they are all in perfect health so this thread helps a lot, thanks!
Hi I only recently changed water treatment to see if they would stop flicking , but still the same. They are all healthy touch wood so maybe it is just what certain fish do cheers for replys

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