Fish Dying


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2010
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Having massive fish death. At first I thought it was bullying/aggression and got rid of the trouble makers. Then it seems it might have been an ammonia spike due to adding too many fish? That's my only guess as this tank has been up and running about 2 years and is established. But even if this was the cause I've been doing 50% water changes due to various things and did a 100% after doing API test and finding the ammonia spike. But even after this I've had 2 fish deaths. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with them either, no sign of illness. They just start to swim on their side and float, and then die. I'm starting to wonder if its my terra cotta pot I stuck in there a week ago. I think after the deaths started after I put it in..I washed it well and rinsed it well before sticking it in. I didn't seal it with anything tho...are you supposed to do that??

I'm just so confused, I don't know why they are dying. And these are my fish that I've had for a year addition to some of the new ones
Please forgive me for asking something so obvious, but was your 100% water change thoroughly dechlorinated?

I would think that if adding the terracotta is the only change, then take it out and see if things improve. Sorry, I'm not sure about the chemistry of terracotta but it does seem odd that it would effect fish, however maybe it has been contaminated with something else that is effecting them?


Edit - from searching other sites, it would seem that adding terracotta is quite normal, so maybe it has absorbed something harmful if it is the cause?
Yup, I've even put in extra this time. Sometimes I think it helps when your water is having issues or when a fish is sick, but that could be me just being weird.Either way I've added extra before with no ill effects.

I just don't understand. I added stress zyme and ammno lock.. but they are both API products and I've never had issues with API products before. Although I've never used these ones before..but are supposed to neutralize ammonia and other toxins though..I can't see how that would have a negative effect.
Yup, I've even put in extra this time. Sometimes I think it helps when your water is having issues or when a fish is sick, but that could be me just being weird.Either way I've added extra before with no ill effects.

I just don't understand. I added stress zyme and ammno lock.. but they are both API products and I've never had issues with API products before. Although I've never used these ones before..but are supposed to neutralize ammonia and other toxins though..I can't see how that would have a negative effect.

I don't understand either, unless the terracotta has absorbed something then I'm stumped (but not been doing this long).

Have you any thoughts on my angels (see emergencies section like this thread)?

Edit - like to angels here
Terracotta is usually fine in a tank, only thing I can think of is if something was on the terracotta when you introduced it. Did you thoroughly wash/clean it before putting it into the tank?

As for the ammonia, I can't think why you'd have a spike if the tank has been up and running for so long - even if you didn't cycle it in the first place, I would imagine that the tank would have been running long enough for a "fish-in-cycle" cycle to have taken place. If , you haven't added a load of fish very recently, I can't really think why you've had a spike - unless, of course, something came on the terracotta which contained a lot of ammonia.

If you've only had issues since the terracotta was introduced, I would expect that is your issue. I'd take it out if you haven't already done so and see how things go. Another large waterchange might be a good idea too. If deaths stop soon after removal & w/c, then I would imagine you have found your issue.
Thank you pablo

I did removed the pot and there were still some deaths but it seems to have stabilized. Unfortunately I had to leave for a summer job right when this happened..but everyone seems to have survived; I'm still not sure what caused all the issues. I did wash the pot thoroughly before placing it in the tank.

Is there a substitute for terra cotta pots? I like the look and I know they make really good breeding caves
Just buy new pots. As they're porous, they can soak up things like pesticides, but new ones are quite safe.
I was thinking, you just added new fish? Were they quarantined beforehand? I had two angels in my tank for months and introduced three more, the three I bought died within the day and then my original angels started swimming on their sides and then died within the next week.. Maybe the new fish had something to do with it? I don't know if you did just add more fish or not but I just thought I'd share my thoughts.

I just added two terra cotta pots to my tank about two weeks ago with no problems, I just rinsed them before putting in.

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