Hello Walshy, welcome to the fourm.
I infer from what you said that you took a sample of water to a fish shop, and had it tested, am I right? Did they tell you what they tested and what the results were, or did they just say "no, that's fine". The reason I ask is that my interpretation of "fine" is often quite different to that of a LFS employee. I would like to know what your levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are, and what the pH of the water is.
I'd also like to know exactly what the tank stocking is, if you could list them all out, making sure to be specific about which fish you have, for example "barb" doesn't tell me much, I would need to know whether it's a tiger barb, or a cherry barb, or a denison barb, or whatever.
When you set the tank up, how did you cycle the filter? And when you say several months, how many months is that?