Fish Cleaning Underside Of Ship Wreck Ornament

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Sep 10, 2012
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Hi Guys
Wonder if someone could help me i have one of my fish they keeps going under my ship wreck and cleaning the underside of ship wreck. I know the fish isnt a algae eater
Is this something i should be concerned about or is there another explination? ( did think the fish might be pregnant)
rob158 said:
What kind is it?
What the shipwreck?

On a serious note, the fish is probably cleaning off algae or something. I really won't worry about it.
There's no doubt food that's trapped under it.
ty for comming back to me it looks like she is pregnant as she is getting larger and larger.  anyone know a good breeding box/net to use as id rather not start up a second tank due to space limitations.
I personally don't think there's such a thing as a good breeder box.
As others have asked, what kind of fish is it?
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about the whole breeder box route. Just let her have the babies and let nature take its course. You'll undoubtedly have fry that survive, and the ones that do will be the stronger for it.
You can put some java moss in the tank for the babies to hide.
Yes they will do, that's the whole point. Guppies, as with all poecilid livebearers, are baby machines. They produce fry-drops about 30 strong every 4-6 weeks. They can do this even for six months after the female's last encounter with a male. If you try to keep them all, you will be overrun by Christmas. Livebearer fry are difficult to find homes for, many LFS won't take them, because they are so cheap to buy from known, trusted sources - why would they take in fry of unknown health from a stranger?
It's normally best, as TOS says, to let nature do its thing. Those that do survive will be the strongest ones. Survival of the fittest, and all that.

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